Challenge #16- Rain
Title: Leaning
Characters: House
Word Count: 100
An amusing sidenote: I live in New Jersey, and it has been raining by the bucketfuls for the past two weeks. Thanks to Hurricane Wilma, the cycle is starting again. As we all know, PPTH is in New Jersey, so I feel House's pain.
Leaning heavily on his cane, House sighed. He knew the moment he woke up what kind of day this was going to be. A long one. A painful one. He closed his eyes for a minute, listening to the rain create tiny puddles, the ground not even fully wet yet. Listening to tendons creak. And he already needed a double dose of Vicodin.
The sad thing was, he used to love the rain. Back when he had someone to walk through it with. Back when he didn't need to lean on anything. Or anyone.
God, he missed her.
x posted
drabbles100 word prompt #66: rain