darthshoes gave me a letter and I have to say ten things I like that start with that letter. My letter? is W!
1. Woot. For the woot-off that keeps me entertained for 24 hours.
2. WoW. For the crackery discovered in a world of 'zombies' who only just want to eat your brains.
3. Wiggins. The old man would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those pesky kids.
4. Wheeled Warriors. Jacye led his Lighting League across the galaxy to search for the magic root and to defeat the evil forces of Saw Boss.
5. Weekend. This is the time when I can sleep in and not catch hell.
6. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! The sound that I make when really really REALLY damn excited.
7. Woozels. They're going to take over the world with Hefflelumps.
8. Winter. I don't look forward to snow. Go ahead and bring back a summery day.
9. Wish. When I wish upon a star, it makes not different who you are. I like wishing.
10. Willow. Willow Offgood. He will save his people using an acorn and a magic trick.
You wanna letter? Lemme know, yo.