I'm Back

Jul 05, 2004 22:01

I just got back from a weekend at Tybee/Savannah. Who else is back?
It sounds like everyone is having eventful days. Mine were interesting- much socializing southern style (aka little black dresses and open bars). I saw a whole lot of people I should know but don't really, and then some more relatives, and then fireworks by Riverstreet. I ate way too much because I always do in Savannah (what can you do during a 7 course meal? certainly not be rude and refuse that second dessert...)And I got a few shades darker at the beach (or is it redder?). I was almost relaxed when I remembered I still have school. And class sign up starts (art history, intro to experiments, italian II and who knows what else).
(I'm using parenthesis too much)
It seems like I should have more to say... but I'm brain-dead. Ummm... I give up. Good night.
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