i went missing again

Apr 14, 2010 10:03

so, my life since march 25, eh?

march 27: jmallick's fantastic surprise birthday party, complete with scrabble, prizes and cake.
march 28: no idea.
march 29-apr 2: tons of student meetings.
apr 3-apr 5: surprise visit to chicago to celebrate mom's birthday. got to see best friend from high school who also flew in. ate a lot, did the easter thing, had a lovely time. got back home at 2am after plane delay.
apr 6: went to work. came home, packed like a crazy person, left for conference in cape cod.
apr 7-9: conference. some good sessions, nice to see people. made me want to learn more about education policy/reform.
apr 9: got dropped off in newburyport, set out for long island. about 10 hours in the car. whee. arrived around 12:30am.
apr 10: wedding (excellent - great food, fabulous people). left directly after wedding for home. arrived home around 10pm.
apr 11: realized i was once again developing tailbone cyst. went to ER. got cyst removed and scrip for vicodin.
apr 11-13 are kind of a blur. i laid on the couch a lot. i did about 4000 scrabble flashcards. maybe more. i watched tv. i'm still half a season behind on 24, but i'm up to date on everything else.

and now, i'm back at work. downgraded from vicodin to advil. sitting is still not a lot of fun.

apr 14-16: interviews for student leaders.
apr 16-18: big scrabble tournament
apr 19: life may get back to normal for a bit.

note to self: you may have done some over-exertion in those last couple of weeks.

sick days

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