now with more scrabble (chicago days 4 and 5)

May 22, 2008 08:25

Tuesday started with being in considerable pain (as noted in the last entry). I ate a cupcake for breakfast, hot dog and fries for lunch, and pizza for dinner. Ah, Chicago, how I love you. Didn't do much until about 5, when I met aibretty for some games. We went to the very cool Noble Tree coffeehouse, which is a converted three-flat, now art gallery/coffee place with great pastries and a cozy, wifi-enabled atmosphere. I'm not going to bother describing the games, since Brett already did that here. I went 3-2, and walking up and down the three flights of stairs at the Noble Tree twice almost killed me.

Yesterday started slow and easy. My muscles hurt less. We went to Tweet for breakfast, where the portions are too big but so good that you want to eat everything on your plate. The bacon was extra smoky, and the french toast was light and perfect. Tweet is right near the north side Chinatown, so we stopped for cha shu bao to take home (which I will eat for breakfast) and then my mother had to return to the real world and go to work. I bummed around the Clark/Diversey area near the store, killing time before my hair appt. Read knitting books in Borders, sitting in a big armchair in a sunbeam and sipping on a black cherry italian soda, which made me doze off, wake up, and get paranoid that I was going to get kicked out for sleeping in a bookstore. I bought a copy of 'the nasty bits,' a newer bourdain food book, and headed out. My hair cut and highlights make my hair happy, and even happier was another night of scrabble, getting to see some of the Chicago cool kids Scrabble club. We started odd, playing a 2 on 1 game, which became 1 on 1 as more people showed up, which I lost. Won the next two by fairly large margins, and then a third on pure luck while eating dinner at Goose Island Brewery. Home, Top Chef, bed.


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