chgo day 1

May 17, 2008 22:14

I woke up at 530am EDT, and here it is, 1014pm CDT and I'm finally sitting down quietly by myself. The airport was uneventful - I prevented caffeine withdrawal headache with a quick stop at dunkin in the terminal, settled in to a quiet flight, and landed more or less on time to good weather. The train trip was annoying because of construction on the tracks that required us to detrain, take a shuttle, and retrain at what would be the next stop. This would have been fine if I wasn't shlepping a suitcase, but I managed.

Got picked up at the train stop and driven to Wrigley. Ducked into Starbucks to refuel (so glad they have those on every corner here), went to the game, watched six innings, then headed to the spa to join the sister for some pamperage. That accomplished, we wandered back to her place, watched some television, and then got picked up and brought back to the parental homestead, where I have had chinese food, watched the oldest nephew play some Wii, held the younger twin nephews while they slept (I appreciate that they broke me in gently to being around them), and now I'm in pjs heading to bed. Sister graduation happens at 10 tomorrow, so it should be a relatively slow-paced, relaxing morning (especially since my brain will stay on boston time for a couple more days, which means I'll be up many hours before I need to be).


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