Chicago again

May 15, 2008 08:13

last year at almost this exact time, i posted my to-do list for chicago. it's almost the same this year, so i'm just going to cut and paste and add stuff:

write at least 4 premed letters
win at least 11 games of Scrabble
play with the Wii
play with the family including new babies
play with Scrabble friends (Wednesday night)
start clearing out the back bedroom in grandma's house
buy some shirts
drink some caribou
walk a lot to offset caloric intake
enjoy spring weather
go to art institute
stare at pretty boys (and girls) at intelligentsia
take sister to movie (pirates maybe?)
keep up with work email
read under trees
write in moleskine or similar journal
catch up on millions of magazines that will likely be in parents' house
watch sister graduate
spa, wait wait don't tell me, various restaurant visits, Cubs game

before i leave:
finish updating iPod
copy premed files to bring with
decide which bags to take home
refill prescriptions
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