this last day off

Oct 02, 2006 16:11

Today, I have:
--filed all bills from past year that have been piling up in various places
--gotten my listserv email account down to 600 messages (from 1200)
--caught up on livejournal
--edited some dissertation
--played 1.5 games of pixiepit scrabble
--worked on formatting a scrabble study list
--bought a new swimsuit on clearance online
--corralled all of my yarn into tupperware
--vacuumed the study
--studiously avoided my work email account
--added four CDs to
--folded all of the sheets that someone apparently likes to strew across the futon rather than folding and putting away
--burned 10 CDs to iTunes that I hadn't managed to add yet
--got my camera in the mail!
--made pasta with onions, tomatoes and bacon for lunch, eaten with a piece of fresh mozzarella
--paid a couple of bills
--played with the dogs
--biked 7ish miles
--mailed a package
--made sauteed apples and basmati rice, to eat alongside the swordfish with citrus pesto that the boy is concocting
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