mmmm food

Feb 15, 2003 15:15

I had quite the lovely Vday after counting down the minutes til the end of work.

Tim had been totally downplaying the plans. I figured we'd just hang out at home, he'd cook dinner, maybe rent a movie. I'd bring it up and he'd absent mindedly say 'yes honey' or some such. I asked him what he was thinking of cooking and he'd mumble something about looking in a cookbook soon, etc. He reminded me that he had a school observation he had to do for work, so he wouldn't have much time to get anything ready, and he'd just pick me up from work and we'd go to the grocery store and so forth. Okay, whatever, I wasn't that concerned about Valentine's Day. It's been four years, and I'm not as anxious about doing nice things any more, I suppose.

So he picked me up, and I whined because I had wanted to play some cards with the boys at school and him, but he made up excuses about long day, not having quarters for a parking meter, etc. I asked him what the plan was and he said something like 'plan? I guess we could see a movie or something..." I hadn't eaten much that day, so I got a little carsick on the way home and dozed on and off. As we approached our exit, we were chatting and there was a car next to us and we ended up in (what I thought was) the wrong lane and missed the turn-off to the road we take home. I was again a little cranky, with the carsickness and so forth, and he said 'well, I guess we'll just go see a movie in Bethesda now so we don't have to turn around'... I figured, sure, I'm not starving yet, we could go see a movie and I could have some popcorn. We drove a bit further and he said 'we might as well get dinner while we're there' -- sounds fine, I told him, except I'm in jeans, so we can only go somewhere as fancy as my outfit, and likelihood of finding a table at anywhere fancier is slim anyway. So he throws me a bag with a pair of my nice pants in it, and then I was decidedly suspicious about the plans and supposed lack thereof.

We went to grapeseed, which is a great new wine bar/restaurant, over 80 bottles, food inspired by the wine, written up as one of the top 100 restaurants in the area by the Washingtonian. Had great food, wine, dessert, then headed to Barnes and Noble, as too intoxicated to drive home, and played some Scrabble, read, etc. He was quite proud of himself for having such plans, and my not figuring them out until the last minute. He even had flowers in the trunk of the car for me.

So yeah, I suppose that was an acceptable Vday, then :)

tbf, celebrations

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