you have a couple of (minutes!) to join

Jan 01, 2006 21:38

if you're reading from the US, and I'm pretty sure everyone is... embodiment is a livejournal community dedicated to keeping paper journals. Last year, I started a journal of sorts to keep my magazine clippings, lists, and other ephemera, and I like looking back through it, even if it's only 2/3 filled (the binding was stretching anyway). I have a new book to start this year, and we'll see if the community keeps me honest. Or, it might make me crazy with its tons of posts and make me unsubscribe or filter or something equally drastic. So, if you're looking for a place to talk about paper journalling via livejournal, this is a nifty new place, and you can only join til midnight and then membership is closed for the year (thanks to radiosilents for pointing it out).
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