interests meme

Sep 20, 2005 17:57

  1. business cards: I collect them. They are like crack. They are free and pretty and unique. And then they sit in boxes in my house for years and years. This year, I started a journal in which I can paste ephemera like this. It barely holds together, it's so crammed full of stuff. I hope to have it full to the gills by the end of the year, and start a new one for '06.
  2. comfy chairs: How can you go wrong with comfy chairs?! I like them deep and plush, where you sit far back and your feet don't touch the floor and you can curl yourself up into them with a cup of cocoa and a sudoku.
  3. espresso beverages: I'm especially fond of the turtle mocha from Caribou, and there used to be a Coffee People right where I caught the bus as a camp counselor, and they give you chocolate covered beans with your mocha in the morning. Mmm.
  4. his dark materials: This series caught my interest. There aren't that many fantasy worlds that pull me in so well. I think I like the parallels to our current world. Plus, the reading is quick, and full of beautiful imagery and plot twistiness and such. I hope the movies serve the series well.
  5. just being: An integral part of my week. I get way too anxious if I don't have some time to just be on a regular basis.
  6. math geeks: Mmm, sexy math geeks.
  7. open ended questions: There's this one person I knew who always asked closed-ended questions, and I get frustrated by them. I've trained myself to ask open questions, that allow someone to fill in lots of thinking and details. I recognize that this person was asking closed questions hoping to get open answers, but I get stubborn sometimes, and would just provide the requisite 'yes' or 'no' -- made for some rather stilted conversation.
  8. sexuality: It's just one of those important things in life that should be explored and understood, and whose boundaries should be tested and stretched, with others and on one's own.
  9. su|do|ku: Mmm, puzzles.
  10. wallyball: It's my favorite sport -- volleyball in a racquetball court, where you can bank the ball off the walls and never have to run very far to fetch it when someone misses. Grand fun.
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