molto formaggio

Jan 14, 2004 09:59

We're singing a bunch of 'spiritual' music for choir this time around. I forget that to the majority of the population, spiritual still means 'church-like.' Supposedly we're getting a couple of pieces in the Jewish tradition, but if any of you have suggestions on choral pieces that explore other aspects of spirituality, please let me know. Here's what I remember, off the top of my head, that we're singing:

I am the True Vine - Part
something Palestrina
Ave Maria, three different versions - Tchaikovsky's, Stravinsky's (Dostoino Yest), and Villa-Lobos'
Oh How Amiable - LaReau
Anthem #3 from the Oratorio - Handel
something Mozart
Alleluia - Vaughan Williams (I think)

This would have been more useful had I had my music with me :)

The March concert is all music from the theater. We haven't gotten any of this music yet. Ergh. Two of the pieces we're singing in May, though, don't get higher than E for the sopranos. I think this is my conductor's passive aggressive attempt to keep the sopranos from sucking as much as they usually do. I'm not complaining - I am not good at using my higher soprano notes. I can't reach about G, even though I'm pretty sure that I could with some training. Need voice lessons.

Random link: Circus of Disemboweled Plush Toys:
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