duck drugs

Jan 12, 2004 11:11

I really believe in the efficacy of oscillococcinum as a preventative medicine -- I was feeling less-than-great yesterday, and I took it, and now I feel fine. I'm not sure how duck liver prevents illness, but I'll go with it for now. This would be a bad week to get sick: three days of orientation, plus Tim's birthday. We're thinking of hitting a Restaurant Week restaurant, but also not sure about how economical that really is for vegetarians. Maybe we'll make the long trek to Agro Dolce again.

I have piles of work this week, as well as a bunch of mail that's being neglected. All I want to do is curl up in the blue room and watch West Wing. I watched the whole first season while Tim was gone (finishing up yesterday, while he was home). Does anyone have seasons 2 through present on tape that they could dub me and send over? I could trade for every Buffy episode, or send brownies, or undying devotion. I'm not sure why I have to have one television show at all times upon which to obsess, but that's how it seems to be working out. Bravo is starting in on season 4 today, so I'll start taping those in order, but there's a void of seasons 2-3 that I'd like to fill.

Another noon meeting today, to talk about student retention. Sigh. Lunch meetings annoy me.
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