
Oct 25, 2006 18:34



Vat iz da meaning of liffe?
(for some reason, he has a French accent)

I'm so glad you asked.

*Rolls dice*


(twins, a boy and girl)
What does it say? What does it say?!!

It says "get a job and get a car."

My turn! *rolls* Seven!

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - awww, get cancer and die.

That sucks. My turn again! *breathes on dice and rolls*

Twelve. One, two, annnnd twelve! Pick up a reality card.

What's it say?

It says....get an unsatisfying job, move out of your parents' house, work 45-50 hours a week for barely over minimum wage, realize that the world is made up of paperwork that constantly needs to be filled out by the correct person, and find solace in dreams because it's the only time you won't have to think about life.

Gee, that's depressing.

Not as depressing as this next part: roll again.

8. Great, another reality card. This one just says "Groundhog Day."

What's "Groundhog Day?"

It's a supposed holiday, but I don't think that's what the card means. It probably refers to the movie with Bill Murray, when he repeats the same day over and over again. I thought the movie was great, but it possessed an element of sadness to the viewer, not Phil, the movie's main character. Sadness in the fact that we, the viewer, actually DO experience the same day over and over again with little changing. It's not a day though. It's "life."

So you won the game! Want to play again?

Go fuck yourselves.
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