Aug 06, 2008 23:06
I'll probably keep describing myself as fifteen until I realize what I'm doing and allow everyone to have a delayed reaction (Oh, you've gotten older this year have you? I hadn't realized). It was just one of those birthdays, like it was a day your mother spontaneously decides to splurge on you that just happened to be your birthday. Oh well, it's nearly over anyway.
My dad gave me a makeshift birthday card; it had a smiley face with detached arms, I thought it was cute. Auntie on my mom's side sent me two birthday cards (I wonder if she forgot?), one with a large family, and the other a typical sweet 16 card; flowers and all. Grandpa had one of those delayed reactions, "Oh, it was Cara's birthday today?," a little fumbling, "We should have gone out to dinner, here give her this," places a fifty in my fathers hand; well, I learned something new, Grants face is plastered on that bill.
Other than that, I got a Swedish massage (which, I didn't know until the masseuse told me...) with Hot Rocks treatment, and used the Spinalator as a prelude at Escapes Day Massage. Yes, I really needed to italicize and bold that. The spinalator felt like medium sized rolling pins continuously rolling up and down your back, and well, it took a little to get used to. Not the actual spinalator (I like that word), but the table you draped yourself on. It was hard and dipped in the middle. Not comfy.
The massage, now that was heaven. She (Eileen, her card reads) started on my legs and worked her way up, but, the pressure was a little much on my shoulder blades and neck. Which... is completely and entirely my fault since before she began up there, she asked if the pressure was okay as to which I said a 'yes.' Stupid, stupid, stupid. I kept telling myself throughout those parts, "Don't cringe, don't cringe, this pain'll benefit you in the end, fuckfuckfuck, that HURTS," and honestly, I really hope I gave absolutely no indication that I was uncomfortable, to me, that would have been embarrassing and insulting, but I'm the customer, so maybe it would have been alright (in a rudeness sense).
I think I fell in love with hot rocks on bare skin today. That was fuckin' lovely. Even the initial lotion treatment was warm.
And because I marked yes to headaches on the sheet, she was unbearably gentle with my frontal lobes. But, I suppose that wasn't so bad. Other than my gripe, the massage was wonderful and I'd love to go there again.
Dad met mother and I for lunch at Kyoto's; we, meaning mum and I, had been there before, albeit that was about a year or two ago. It was as good as I remembered. I ate my way through a Chicken Bento Box, supa delicioso. Although, I spent probably a 3rd of the time correcting my father's pronunciation of Kyoto, he kept saying it as, "Kee-oh-toh," which probably is the Americanized version, right?
Mum and I, after biding papa farewell, meandered to the spectacle shop to get her some new frames. It was a choice between dark purple and a beige-ish color, and after much deliberating, we chose the beige, but i'm still wondering about the purple.
We went to the bookstore after, and I picked up Breaking Dawn and Seducing the Boys Club. Getting the last of that vampire series four days after the release really shows you how much I wanted it, huh? Really, I'm dreading even opening the Breaking Dawn book. It just doesn't draw me in like it used to, and that's really saying something. I remember I got Twilight in 2006, and stayed in the nurses office to finish the last few pages. Now though, the romance of Bella and Edward just seems too abrupt, like a few months ago I tried rereading Twilight and realized that I was actually wondering when they exactly fell in love. Was it love at first sight? Or did it happen in the middle, when they began to genuinely know each other? I didn't know, and so I put the book down.
Bella's love for Edward also seems a bit fickle to me, I mean Jacob, anyone? Immediately, well maybe not immediately a few months though, she sorta-kinda fell in love with Jake and that really seems just like a teenagers love, to me. Plus, how can she be so sure she'll love Edward forever and who's to say she won't begin to resent him for turning her into a vampire once she really realizes what it's all about? And, after reading some spoilers (Bella's pregnancy...), I can't say my urge to not pick up the book has lessened any, and when I told my mum about it she said, "The unbelievable can become even more unbelievable." Grazie, mama. And I really mean it.
Mommy also relayed her Sweet Sixteen experience (never been kissed...), and I find it odd at how much, personality wise, we're alike. It was nice being able to really talk to her without my headaches and health issues coming into play.
We got three wedges of cake from Chandlers (two chocolate and one vanilla), because mama didn't want us to gain any weight. Well thanks ma, I appreciate your concern. Dad dug out a pink Sweet Sixteen sign that my aunt Diane had given us a while back in anticipation of a probably huge monumental event, and instead he hung it behind me and they sung Happy Birthday while I preened jokingly. Daddy gave me Bailey's Irish Cream. I fell in love.
Papa and I watched a 1977 George Carlin on HBO.
I'm only a little disappointed I wasn't able to rip open any wrapped presents T_T
I'm curious, was the design they made for the character Lourdes supposed to make us hate her with the passion of a thousand looming balls of fire? Probably, I mean, Johnny and Lulu do need some sort of other girl hanging around to make their lives even more hellish, it's not like they don't have something even more important, like, I dunno, some trigger-happy (as, everyone likes to call it) cops out to get 'em? It's not like that'll ever happen.
I really dislike that the writers are trying to make Lulu out to be like a carbon-copy of her mother, when she's not and shouldn't be and the way Lulu, Logan and Johnny have the parallels of Laura, Scotty and Luke. To me, it seems to cheapen what Luke and Laura had together, not to mention the character of Scott. He's made out to be a revenge sodden father, when he wasn't even around for the majority of Logan's life. That's just, ugh; can't even describe how much I loathe it.
"Your sidekick here's a little kooky, but he's definitely one of the best hackers around," I love that Spinelli got a little praise and that it coincidentally came from the Darth Lansing, who, I think has redeemed himself a bit, but is still a bit sleazy for even suggesting Claudia sex him up just for helping her lil' bro out of conviction (which hasn't happened yet, neither the sex nor the bringin' misguided lovesick boy and girl duo back from their little adventure of on the run-ness). But, I'll admit, they could be hot together, just like Nik an Claudia, and Sonny and Claudia. You get how much I like Claudia, right? Although, I really hate both Lulu and her when they're at each others throats. Not fun to watch, for me. A few others probably get their kicks.
Edit: We, meaning my intermediate family, just found out that my aunt Gin's scare of cancer was false; the biopsy came back negative. But, the doc told her she needed to have a breast reduction, but I'm not surprised, they look like watermelons. On a side-note, my parents and I somehow got into a conversation about Dolly Parton's cup size (40 DD , I googled it), which should give you some indication on my aunts cup size other than the watermelon crack. And, Oh-M-Gee this entry's long.
breaking dawn,
real life,
general hospital