Oct 06, 2004 22:29
its so weird
i thought i was the only one in our school
who wasnt ready to leave for college
and now...
i am
and its sad and it makes me want to cry how happy i am here. i meanits obviously a good thing, but i feel like im at home here and with my friends who ive always meant to meet here...and not at home. i miss home, but i dont miss home, i miss how everything used to be..
everyones talkign about tranferring back home next semester or next year,
but u couldnt pay me enough money to leave here
i never would :-)
love u guys
so today has been eventful.
went out to eat with my mom and bridget
said bye to tex this morning cause he has the funeral tonight and then hes going back with his parents to VA =[ but im picking him up at the airport tuesday
and im sad that bridgets leaving foer the weekend and i will miss her alot
but me and scott and dylan will be around
so its always a good time
chilled with kev and pete for a bit...fun times as always
sigh i miss taxie and my mom
and max