May 01, 2008 01:00
*Rolls eyes* But seriously folks....
No, honestly, it's really aggrivating. So I'm talking to my parents today, trying to confirm some plans for the weekend, and ask about Saturday. I have 2 places I need/want to be, and was trying to make sure I could have the schedule mesh. So I'm asking my mom for some details to their end of the plans. I inform her I'm gonna be "costuming" for PAWS (local APL-type organization). Out of nowhere, she blurts out "Why don't you just come out and say you are one of those furry-thing weirdo freaks?" Um.....
I'm speechless. Really. I blame it on too much CSI. That is the ONLY thing she knows about furry. No matter what I try to tell her or show her otherwise. I explained "No, i'm not a 'freak' or 'weirdo'." She took it to mean that I was saying I wasn't a fur (and honestly, I'm ok with her thinking that, since she's gonna snub her nose at it anyways) and then asked about my Phipaw. I said it was a paw symbol, plain and simple. She just couldn't leave it be. I got aggitated and walked out of the room. Whatever.
I mean, I am 23, (yeah I know, still live at home..whatever... I can't afford to live solo right yet...I'm working on it) so I don't really care much what she thinks of my life, cuz I'm not doing anything illegal. You think she'd be happy that I'm not into drugs, not an alcoholic, not knocked up, not stripping for a living, not in a gang...etc... but it just gets old that anything I do is a fail in her eyes. And God help if it even slightly deviates from the norm. *rolls eyes*
I mean, if she's jealous cuz I'm going out and having a life instead of sitting home glued to TV soaps.... then fine, say it. But really this unnecessary hatred has GOT to stop.
In other news, the suit work continues. No pics right now, as I was doing touch-up work on a couple of loose seams today and hiding the foam on my footpaws. Pics and details soon enough.