Hey, remember how my computer's a total jerk-face? Yeah...turns out, it's still a total jerk-face. After three days spent away, I came back last week to find it won't even boot up now. So in one last vain attempt to postpone buying a new desktop, I will list what appears to be the symptoms of my compy's problems and hope someone, anyone, has a suggestion of what I can try next.
- Compy has been wonky for past six-ish months
- currently, Compy has no BIOS problems and will pass POST, get to WinXP loading screen, but then does not proceed to login screen
- WILL boot in Safe Mode
- Previously, crashed a lot, esp. when switching resolutions (i.e. changing from native desktop resolution to another resolution upon opening WoW or TF2, etc)
- When recovering from these crashes, Windows detected recovering from a serious error caused by "a system device" but was unable to be more specific
- ...just bought a new graphics card; drivers up to date
- has been cleaned thoroughly, never gets above 55°C
So, that's all I can think of. Anyone have any ideas?
Upendaten! Good news, everyone! XP's SP3 seems to have solved the problem for me. Huzzah for blanket updates! Come to think of it...I have my native resolution set to 1152x864...so when XP loads, it has to shift from whatever the loadscreen resolution is, to that. Maybe that's why it wasn't working earlier? Still doesn't explain why it froze earlier while in Windows, but just hung up if going from the loading screen. Or why SP3 fixed it. Well...whatever - gift horses, etc. Here's hoping it stays!