Feb 12, 2015 12:32
When I left for California, Steve was sneezing and coughing and afraid he was allergic to Lloyd M. Buckminster III (aka Bucky). After his illness took a turn for the bronchial, and he'd had several bad nights, he went to the doc. The doc did x-rays and a blood test, saying it was pneumonia and/or valley fever. Valley fever is caused by a microscopic fungus here in the Sonora desert. Everyone has it, but it's a matter of whether or not it becomes active. Once it's active there's nothing to do but ride it out for the six months to a year that it'll make you miserable. "Cross fingers that it's only pneumonia" is a strange phrase to be typing, but it's true.
Lalat now has to remind herself to hiss at Bucky. Ivan and Bucky play tag all the time, and Bucky LOVES all the toys in the house. Our only issue is that he spent his first three months of life living in the cat-barn where everybody ate grocery store food. Now he's eating top of the line Blue Wilderness high-protein, no-grain kibble. The end result (see what I did there) is that he has the stinkiest poops ever. It doesn't look like he has any parasites, but of course he'll be going to the vet next week.
So Happy It's Thursday. I'm beat from last weekend and can't wait for three days of sleeping in and doing what I want. Friday night is Friday the 13th, and since Steve and I were married on one of those, we celebrate them. I'm planning on dinner at Italian restaurant Vero Amore out by Dove Mountain. The next day is Comix It Up at Maker House (their events are so great), which is a little 6 hour comic convention. Sunday I have taxes and Army paperwork to do, and Monday we have no plans yet. Those tend to be the best days.