
Sep 25, 2014 14:04

Maybe it's because I'm a Leo, but I've officially become addicted to journals and journaling. It's why I came back to LJ. I've also started keeping paper journals, which has become a problem:

The bottom one is a journal for scratching down fiction ideas, the next is my desk calendar, then my spirituality journal, and on top my everyday little book for writing down lists, keeping phone numbers, and writing the occasional note. This book is always in my purse or other bag.

Obviously, this is TOO MUCH to carry, but when I need them they aren't there. Through the blog, I found out about Midori traveler's notebooks. They are a leather cover with elastic bands with which you fasten several little notebooks. The folder alone, with one unlined notebook, is over $50 if you buy it from online shops, although Amazone has it for $38.


Onto Etsy! I bought a similar item which I actually like much better, with two blank notebooks and one lined notebook, plus a little cardboard folder, PLUS a vinyl business card holder, for $25 including shipping!

(Name of shop included because she did such a fantastic job.)

It matches my cell phone cover, which is also leather and made in Detroit by . My little purple notebook is 2/3 full, probably more, and I've ordered a customizable calendar to go into the traveler's notebook too. That will eliminate both the little notebook and the hardcover desk calendar. I know that a lot of people use their Midoris as miniature scrapbooks, with all kinds of charms on the elastic closure, things fastened inside with washi tape (a kind of Japanese decorative adhesive tape) and so on, but I can't see myself going that route. I actually took out the little cardboard folder, but am hanging onto it in case I decide I want it later.

journals and notebooks

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