We're like two people!

Feb 18, 2005 20:47

So today=A huge pile of crap. I was just in the worst mood most of the day, and the last part of it i had a horrible headache. The only parts where i wasnt in a terrible mood was the parts when i was with liz. :). Unfortunatly she isnt with me all day.

1st hour was normal. 2nd hour okay, just watched a video. 3rd hour was okay, cause there was some funny moments. "Don't Finalize it!!" Alli Madsen cracks me up. But it was definitly funny in a scary way. We were recording where eagles soar, and we screwed everything up so bad. I have never been so afraid going into a concert as i am now. Maybe its just that i care to much, and that it hits me hard everytime i get let down. Its so hard to try to care and keep intrest in something where its so difficult sometimes. eh. 4th hour is when my headche showed up, so it made both that hour and 5th hour seem really long. Ceramics is got better, cause i was kinda zoning out while working on my pot. Then the yearbook people called me down to take my picture for a tennis interview i gave earlier this year, but they had no camera then, so i have to go back on monday.

Then i came home, talked to lizzy for awhile, and then around 6 my mom came and picked me up cause she ended up working later then she thought. Then once i got home they couldent decide what they wanted, and they went and got whiteys, and i hate fish, so just ate fries. Then they couldent decide if they were going to go to the club or stay home, so i asked my mom if liz could come over and she said they were going to the club, so no. But they never went, so she could have come over if they wernt retarted. I really, really, really wanted to see her today, and it makes me sad that i dont get to hang out with her.

Now i have nothing to do except sit around all night. I would call lizzy, but shes still not feeling well. :/. I hope you feel better.

Tomorrow is S&E. I have to leave here around 9:30, so that we can get there with about an hour left. I hope either josh or melissa wrote down our warm-up room number and our performance room number. I meant to, but forgot. I hope we do okay tomorrow. I'm pretty confident we'll do good. Well i guess ill go wait for liz to call.
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