catching up, i guess

Nov 07, 2010 01:30

So hey, lj. What's upppp. I am going to attempt to post about the past months of my life, since it seems things I don't write down tend to be lost forever in time to me and completely forgotten. I'm thinking it'll go something like this:

1. the first thing i really did in summer - DC
2. fuuuuuck aka why i hate boys aka forever alone/cry moar
3. the last thing i really did in summer - the beach
4. hair cut/sandcastle building/being mistaken for a boy. awesome timez, yo
5. the actual last thing i did in summer - Arizona
6. August 25
7. somewhere around October or something
8. October 24
9. how i am now doing everything i wanted to do in summer. or at least trying.

YEAH. might cut out #4 or combine some of these or something, I don't know. MIGHT NOT EVER RECOUNT #2. maybe just seal it away forever. yeah you know what that sounds better.


what is this i don't even, life, wth are my tags anymore, what

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