soup day

Dec 30, 2008 02:18

I figured I should post about soup day, seeing as how it only comes once a year and all.

I mean. I know there's a bunch of other stuff that only comes once a year, but soup day is... soup day. It has it's own day in my world.

SO SUNDAY WAS SOUP DAY. But it was kind of a weird soup day, because it wasn't spent at the usual place, my cousins' house. My aunt said, "It's still soup day since we're eating soup, right?"

No. It's not. Especially when we all have to sit at different tables because grandma only had one small kitchen table and several small card tables.

It was pretty much "get your soup, sit down, and shut up." But, you know, with added comments like, "OH, WHO MADE ____?" until eventually everyone was complimented even if your soup was shit.

The day was not the same because Nick had already left and Michael was back in Michigan working.

soup day, brother where art thou?

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