[picspam primer] sons of admirals

Aug 26, 2010 11:55

There is a conscious moment where a person decides to stay up all night and I have possibly reached that point so I am going to keep myself awake by relaying to you the truth of how Here Comes My Baby is actually about how gay Sons of Admirals (SOA) are for each other. No seriously I took (bad) screencaps and everything, it's going to be awesome.

So this video starts the way a lot of video do. And by that I mean, there's a shot of the band walking together and looking happy!

They're kind of like the Brady Bunch only a band and less 80s!

If you have a burning need to know these four boys, I'm going to introduce them now. Even if you didn't, I'm going to introduce them now too bad! It's all a part of my evil plan.

He of the blue hair is called Tom Milsom (hexachordal)! He's said himself that heterosexuality is not his defining feature. He also painted a rainbow for Alex and Charlie to hang in their flat, I'm not even joking.

He of the v-neck is Alex Day (nerimon)! Apparently he is not gay, but he wears pink shirts and lives with Charlie. I doubt his claims very heavily. VERY HEAVILY.

He of the so fucking sexy piercings is Ed (eddplant). He can't dance, but what the fuck ever because UNF. I would tap that so fast, you guys, and I'm asexual. Is my bias showing yet? Is it?

It can't be, because I have yet to talk about he of the red hair, Charlie (charlieissocoollike).

Mmmm . . . Charlie.

Huhwhat? Oh, this isn't the place for me to profess my undying love for Charlie and talk about how I love him so much I want to tie him up and keep him in my basement? Oh, fine. Charlie is the director of the video. He's adorable and he is OLDER THAN ME THANK YOU VERY MUCH and he sings adorable duets with himself. If you don't love Charlie, you have no heart and you're not my friend anymore.

Back to the video. So after they walk together, the guys hang out on a bench together! They are so hot it melts my mind. This is the real reason my SOA tag is "come be my boyfriend."

N'awww look at Ed and Charlie being adorable!

But the video quickly shifts to Alex, who is drifting off into daydreamland!

What is he thinking about? His girlfriend! Who is . . . with Ed?

And then Alex stares at Ed his girlfriend woefully while she gives him this looks that kind of says "You just checked out Ed, didn't you? What the actual fuck."

And then the video switches to Ed! Who is daydreaming about his girlfriend too.

And hanging out with Tom.

Because, you know, his girlfriend is with . . . Alex? I have absolutely no idea what is going on here. Is she the communal girlfriend?

But Alex leaves and Ed runs after his girlfriend!

Only - gasp! SHE'S WITH CHARLIE. No really, by this point I have come to the conclusion that she's either a communal girlfriend or she's their collective beard.

Gratuitous picture of Ed, because I can:

And then Charlie walks around with his beard and they get ice cream and are actually kind of cute together!

But alas! Their date is over so they hug and part ways.

And then, suddenly, Tom! No really, like, out of nowhere.

He takes her hand and is telling her sappy, gooey things, right? It's kind of adorable - or creepy, I haven't decided yet, actually.

And she's totally buying into it and smiling at him! Only . . .

. . . Charlie is with Tom's other girlfriend/beard?

Tom is shocked!

This calls for a montage, clearly. Please note how awkward they look together:

They were SO IN LOVE. How dare she go for another man, regardless of the fact that Tom was just hitting on Charlie/Alex/Ed's girlfriend! That's just wrong.

The beard agrees with this sentiment!

Charlie is so totally busted and he knows it. It is written all over his face.

Meanwhile, Alex and Ed are chilling out on a bench. I would THINK they would be mad at each other for, you know, playing "steal the girlfriend" but nope. Apparently she really is communal.

Then Ed spots something in the distance! Whatever could it be?

It's a GIRLFRIEND BLOWOUT! Charlie didn't get the memo that the one girlfriend is communal and Tom is mad because his actual girlfriend is hanging with Charlie. This is a confusing square, you guys.

I really like this screencap for no real reason:

It's okay though! You know why? Because ALEX AND ED ARE THERE FOR CHARLIE AND TOM.

Charlie and Tom shake hands and make up!

The girls are still bitching at each other as the boys walk off.

They walk off together, in case you were wondering about that at all:

And that's the end of the video. No matter which way you slice it, either the girlfriend is communal or they're all actually mad about each other being with girls at all. And Tom's just mad because Charlie stole his other beard. I have no words for how gay this video is, actually, but that's mostly because it's almost 5AM and seriously? You expect me to be coherent?

Ugh, whatever. Have a gratuitous picture of Tom.

By the way:
Exterminate, Regenerate with 3/4 of SOA!

They really really like each other, you guys. Like, a lot.

I'd post a gratuitous picture of Alex, but apparently I didn't take any. Huh, that's odd actually. ANYWAY, in conclusion I want to move to Britain so that SOA will be my boyfriend. All of them. At once.

. . . It's possible I should take a nap. I will go do that now.

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comments. :D

!picspam/primer, warning: copious amounts of gay, fandom: #y_slash, band: cobra starship

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