[pornmas] day 9.

Dec 10, 2012 01:51

Summary: You know, the text reads, he's not very much like you at all.

Fandom/Pairings: One Direction/X-Factor/BBC Radio 1; Harry Styles/Caroline Flack/George Shelley, Caroline Flack/Harry Styles/Nick Grimshaw
Rating: R
Pre-Notes: I RUIN EVERYTHING I TOUCH. Today's mix is What Did I Just Listen To???, which I feel is very appropriate.
Disclaimer: Oh god please go away.

(i don't care) if i'm a guilty pleasure for you
He gets a text from Caroline a little out of the blue, although he's not sure that he can say that when Nick and Caroline are having another snit over him on twitter as if he belongs to either of them more. They both know he doesn't, but Harry knows that they like to pretend sometimes. It's complicated. They're complicated.

You know, the text reads, he's not very much like you at all.

Harry sends back an amused Oh? and waits for her to explain. He tries to appease Nick in the meantime, smoothing out the places that Caroline's ruffled and assuring Nick that yes, Harry likes him very much. Harry's careful not to lie, because that never ends well for anyone, but he does his job and mediates between Nick and Caroline. Louis asked him how it worked, once, and Harry had shrugged.

"Nick and Caroline like fighting with each other. I make sure they don't hurt each other past joking."

It's true enough, and he doesn't think Louis wants to know about everything else anyway. There's words for it, but they sort of fail to capture the casualness of it all. Harry doesn't belong to Nick or Caroline. He belongs to himself, and he makes sure they remember that.

He's not a fighter, Caroline replies, You'd like him, I think.
Is that an invitation?

Really, Harry thinks, the complicated part about him and Caroline and Nick is that they're not really all together - it's just that Caroline and Nick share Harry and Harry shares them with other people. There's nothing bad about it, because they all understand busy schedules, but it's probably difficult for other people to understand. Harry's found that most nontraditional relationships are difficult for other people to understand.

Yes, is all Caroline's response says.

Caroline is marginally more willing to share than Nick, which is how they got into the current situation, and Harry assumes that if she's inviting him then she's already cleared it with "new Harry." His name is George, Harry knows, and he'd be lying if he said that he didn't go because he was curious. He is curious, both at the way Caroline and Nick are fighting over him (although he knows Nick's mostly doing to to annoy Caroline) and the ways in with George is not him.

They're apparently set up in a hotel-a relatively nice one-and Harry manages to get there without attracting a whole lot of attention. Caroline lets him into her room, and George is already there. He's sitting still, sort of like a doll, and Harry immediately sees what Caroline meant by he's not a fighter. Whenever he and Caroline are together, Harry struggles and fights her for control. George looks like if Caroline jumped, he'd say how high? without question. It's sort of amazing.

"Hi," Harry says, "I'm Harry. Caroline's told me about you."
George tilts his head, "What did she say?"
"That you're not very much like me at all."
"I'm not," George says, lips curling into a smile, "but I think that's alright. Don't you?"

Instead of answering, Harry fits his fingers under George's chin and kisses him soundly. Caroline makes an appreciative noise from wherever she's standing, and Harry pulls away. George's eyes are a little unfocused and blown out, which makes Harry grin.

"Oh," he says, turning toward Caroline, "I like him."
"Told you, Hazza."

Laughing, Harry trails his fingers down George's cheek. George closes his eyes and leans into the touch, and Harry glances over at Caroline. This isn't quite the first time they've done this, so it's not that awkward when they start undressing George. Harry sheds his clothes while Caroline does, and then they're all naked (which is, in Harry's opinion, the best way to be). Caroline kisses George, and Harry takes the opportunity to his his hands up her body and make her shiver.

"She's ticklish," Harry says, ghosting his fingers along her ribcage, "but she loves when you make her squirm and gasp for air."

Caroline elbows his side viciously, and Harry laughs before kissing the side of her neck. He hopes she'll keep George for a while, if she's acting like this around him. They trade kisses for what feels like too long, and then Caroline whispers something to George and he moans. She grins and turns to Harry.

"You're going to fuck George," she says, matter-of-fact, "while he's fucking me."
"Am I?"
"Come off it, Hazza," Caroline rolls her eyes, "I know you want to."

He does, but Harry's not in the habit of bending to Caroline's will easily. It's part of why they like each other, he knows. Still, Harry shifts until he's behind George. Caroline's thoughtfully set out condoms and lube on the nightstand, and Harry hates to admit it, but she knows him well. He fucks Nick because he likes the prep, like finding the right spots-the ones that makes Nick shiver and jerk. It's just something Harry likes, and he tries not to think too much while he's stretching out George, while he's giving him a hint of what's to come.

It takes time, of course, because Harry hates to be anything less than thorough, but Caroline distracts George with kisses and whispered nothings before they're ready. George slides home first, making Caroline groan, and then Harry does. It presses George closer to Caroline, and there's a moment where everything is still before they start up a shaky rhythm that gets smoother as they go.

If you asked, Harry wouldn't be able to tell you who comes first. Honestly, it doesn't matter because it's a chain reaction of it, everything blanking out before they're untangling and collapsing on the too-small bed.

Their breathing bounces off the walls, loud in the sudden silence, and Harry grins.

(ps: if you're late to the party/just want more porn, go check out the pornmas advent calendar/masterlist.)

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* pornmas, !fic

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