[fanfiction] never a breath you can afford to waste masterpost

Jun 21, 2012 01:51

Fandom/Pairings: The Social Network/Criminal Minds; Mark/Eduardo, Reid/Morgan(/Garcia)
Rating: R (Violence/torture on par with a standard crime drama. Character going through PTSD.)
Disclaimer: Get out, Mark.
"Is there anything you need to tell me?"

Only, as it turns out, there are a lot of things Mark needs to tell Eduardo. Among those are the following: he once hacked into the government, the BAU is kind of like his second family, he's under FBI protection, someone is after him, Eduardo is probably in danger, and oh yeah. He's utterly in love with Eduardo.

If you've seen this thread (I don't begrudge you if you haven't), then you already know what this story is. You may have even been waiting for it, which would have been silly because I probably wouldn't have written it at all if it weren't for some lovely people who never tell me no.

Those lovely people are tehcrzy1, who diligently corrected all my dumb mistakes (except for the ones I left in because artistic license); girl_in_stripes, who gave me moral support and also squee'd a lot; and des_pudels_kern, who gave me useful advice I mostly ignored and is also is kind of the reason this exists at all. They're awesome, this story is for them. I also want to thank firefox1490 for the awesome art and everyone else who, at some point, told me that "YES YOU CAN DO IT."

For the curious: Mark's case takes place instead of "The Fisher King" case (S1E22/S2E01). The immediate timeline in this story takes place somewhere during season five, but mostly exists in the space of "magical dreamspace ugh I do what I want."

part 1 | part 2 | art

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comments. :D

fandom: criminal minds, fandom: the social network, pairing: eduardo/mark, blame: des_pudels_kern, !fic, # paprika, length: over 10k, # salsa, # allspice

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