pretend I understand how to join thoughts together.

May 14, 2012 03:18

I don't even remember when I got these from
inoru_no_hoshi, but I did. There's rules or something but basically comment down below and I will give you seven things to talk about. Yes? Good.

1. My Chemical Romance
Let's talk about me circa 2005, you guys. Me circa 2005, for some reason, bought a copy of Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. She doesn't like it and I still don't like it, so I'm not really that sure how or why she bought it but she did. If we fast-forward a little to my sophomore year of high school (that's 2007, for the linearly challenged like me), there was this gal who I worked with on the school newspaper who was like, super into My Chemical Romance. I wrote an article for the Green and Gold about how I'm Japanese but I don't do karate or, you know. Like sushi1. I'm 90% sure it started out "My name is Megan Yamanaka and I don't know karate." or something to that effect.

She asked me if I knew how to swim or dance.

I was very confused.

She said "You know, like the . . . nevermind." and proceeded to call me Gerard for the rest of the year before she graduated.

That nickname was stupidly prophetic. Also I once spent twelve hours at the school they're at in the INOK video for a Speech and Debate competition. I was strung out and actually kind of delirious, so that was particularly funny to me.

For the record: I like D&D and Audrey Hepburn. I am indifferent on Fangoria. I think Harry Houdini was pretty rad. Croquet is a sport I am marginally decent at. I can swim, but not well. I can dance, but not well. I still do not know karate.

The moral of this story is that apparently I've just always been Gerard Way and me circa 2005 is crying on the inside now. See Who I Am Hates Who I've Been.

2. Adam Lambert
Adam Lambert and Ryan Evans and Chad Danforth should just be together always LALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF GLITTER HERPES.

I mean.

I voted for Adam! Kris is cute and I'm okay with the fact that he won but ADAM. BE STILL MY HEART. I saw Adam for like 20$ at a county fair and it was the best shit ever even if he did open with Voodoo and VOODOO IS NOT A GOOD SONG UGH. I just love all the things that Adam chooses to be and I think he might be one of the top celebrities I would cry embarassingly about if I met them in person. (If you're curious, Darren Criss is the actual highest celebrity on that list.)

He's glittery! He's toppy! He is precious as all get out! WHAT IS THERE NOT TO LIKE???

3. Fandom as a thing
Oh gosh.

I don't know what I would do without fandom. Like, seriously. I made all my hobbies into my profession (hi, I'm a writing major and my goal in life is to write Sherlock fanfiction and get it published!) and I just. I grew up this way.

Sometimes people tell me that fandom is weird, and I always have to fight the urge to punch them in the face. I do usually yell at them and ask if they don't have something they just love SO MUCH that they just want to talk about it with everyone all the time forever. Like, don't they have PASSION? Don't they LOVE SHIT?

That's all fandom is. It's a bunch of people who love shit SO MUCH that they're willing to put all kinds of time and energy into making these things that are just love letters to this thing that they love. Why do you stay up 24hours writings 15k for a big bang challenge3? Why do you spend tens upon tens of hours recording and editing podfic? Why do you pick pick pick it apart, open it up to find the tick tick tick of a heart4?

It's because you're writing a love letter. You're telling everyone else that loves this thing as much as you do that they are not alone. You're saying FUCK THE POLICE, I LOVE THIS SHOW MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER KNOW.

And that? Is fucking awesome.

4. the joys of third person (and talking to yourself)
My roommate often says (and I find I agree) that teachers talk to themselves. My father is a teacher and it is a very popular profession within my extended family so EVERYONE IN MY FAMILY TALKS TO THEMSELVES. It's one of those things it took me a long time to realize was kind of eccentric thing to do.

Reili also often writes about herself in third person, being that there are frequent requests for a bio on her and suchlike. This is also something she didn't realize was rather odd until she kind of looked around and said "Oh, all these people are looking at me funny. Probably this is a weird thing."

She also occasionally writes about herself in third person, which is probably something that most people think is freaky. WHATEVER THOUGH. Reili thinks that you should do what makes you happy and that having the occasional conversation with yourself (perhaps via twitter) is an excellent way to pass the time. Seriously, try it some time.

It's a good way to talk yourself out of things, get people to (not) tell you no, and stop hating yourself maybe a little.

5. Favourite book
Okay so like. I have like seven bookcases between the two houses I live in regularly. They are all FULL and I have more books that are stacked in piles because they don't fit in the bookcases plus two boxes I brought from one house to the other and jeez you want me to pick a favorite book? THIS IS A HORRIBLE QUESTION. HORRIBLE.

Ugh, 5 books I like a lot in no particular order: The Phantom Tollbooth, House of Leaves, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Whole Lesbian Sex Book: A Passionate Guide for All of Us, and Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats.

6. One person, alive or dead, you would drop everything to meet, no matter what, and why
Neil Gaiman. He's not the reason I wanted to become a writer2, but he is the reason I continue not to give up and the reason why my thesis is a comic book. Well, actually I guess that's Nextwave's fault. But Neil Gaiman is my rockstar idol! Reilimons evolve into Gaimanmons!

7. Favourite board game
Mancala. Closely followed by a game my best friend and I invented which is called "Bite Me!" You play with a chess board, using the same piece placement and piece movements, only the goal is the opposite: you play to lose all your chess pieces. As a result, if an opponent moves a piece in a manner which would allow you to take it, you must take it. The game goes very fast and is surprisingly difficult as you are playing to lose your pieces, but also trying not put yourself in such a position that you need to give your opponent an advantage.

1 I have an extreme aversion to uncooked food. Not uncooked meat, uncooked food. I've gotten better, but I used to not eat anything that wasn't cooked. Now I'll eat most fruit and select vegetables uncooked (and usually rather meticulously washed), but I still prefer them cooked if at all possible.
2 I'm not sure anyone (or thing) can be blamed for that except my own childhood seclusion and voracious consumption of basically any book I could get my hands on. I'd read the entire Nancy Drew series by the time I'd left elementary school, and in 6th grade I read a number of John Grisam books. You know, the thick, dense ones about legal proceedings. So, uh. My reading comprehension stopped advancing in like six or seventh grade, leaving me to read college textbooks on marine biology by the time I was in eigth grade and making my normal reading pace something like three hundred words per minute. It takes me somewhere between 30 and 45 minutes to read a 10k fic if I'm actually focused on it. In practice, it takes me like seven hours or so because I'm easily distracted.
3 Let's not talk about how my bandom big bang draft got done. It was a hot mess, and I am never doing that again you guys. Except for how I might because of Reasons but at least now I know I can do it.
4 Context.

And then things that are not memery:

This is a clip from my
podficbigbang, which is in the very slow process of being edited haha god I hate my life. Mostly I'm posting it because it sounds suspiciously like something I have said in the past couple of months:
[Transcript: "I have a term paper? A term paper on WHAT?"]

And then, for no reason, a playlist of me-ness:

Her Name is Yoshimi.
Oh Glory [Panic! at the Disco]
All Alright [fun.]
Dear Meghan [Single File]
Yoshimi Battles the Giant Pink Robots, pt. 1 [The Flaming Lips]
Don't Trust Me [3OH!3]
Crazier than you! [The Addams Family Musical]
I'll Make A Man Out of You (Japanese) [Mulan]
California English [Vampire Weekend]
No One Likes Superman Anymore [I Fight Dragons]
Coffee [I Love You Because]
My World [Avril Lavinge]
White & Nerdy [Weird Al]

And then, because this post is Clearly Not Long Enough, a List of Things:
  1. My mother asked me if I had What Makes You Beautiful downloaded. She's funny.
  2. I have discovered that my bra size has gone up (this does not make me happy) and subsequently obtained some bras in more colors than my bras have been since 7th grade.
  3. I did that thing I do when I'm unsupervised. "That thing" being "signing up for big bangs." By the way, those are going to start to pop up soon. I apologize for it in advance, because there are between 7 and 12 of them or something like that. I can't count.
  4. I own a cake pop machine now. I think you're supposed to use it to make pretty things. I'm going to use it to make decapitated heads on sticks (well, I think that's pretty). And, if I can figure out how, I'll probably make itty-bitty Mousekat Heads or something. Round fannish things!
  5. Probably I will finish The Hunger Games while I am providing civil service in the form of JURY DUTY ugh ugh I am not supposed to have this problem.

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

reili: anger!!!!!, !meme, person: adam lambert, band: one direction, fandom: alice in wonderland(s), person: neil gaiman, reili: art school, !podfic, fandom: irl rpf, band: my chemical romance, fandom: the hunger games, !music, fandom: high school musical, reili: look at your life choices, fandom: american idol

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