
Feb 29, 2012 15:42

List of things:
  1. This is a thing that I did that got kind of popular somehow. I'm not entirely sure how, because I don't tag anything properly but yeah.
  2. wow, why am I still awake.

questions via
sylvaine a couple days ago.

1. How long have you been in fandom?
It kind of depends on how you define "fandom"? Like, my parents basically raised me on sci-fi and Star Trek and I distinctly remember my dad referring to Kirk/Spock as "kinda gay" when I was pretty young, but a family does not a fandom make. I've always had friends who were into the same stuff as I was though and so, like. From a "community loving stuff and talking about it" perspective, I've been in Fandom since Pokemon in, like. Third grade. The internet barely existed at that point for most people, you know, because it was 1998 and it was expensive stuff. Also I was 8 years old and we only had my dad's computer so it wasn't until I was 10 that I started being on the internet in any significant capacity.

Wikipedia didn't even exist yet when I started coming online! Everything was all forums and nicknames and stuff. (I picked the name "Reili" in 2004, if you were wondering.)

2. Who's your favourite character in your current main fandom?
I had to consult someone to figure out what my main fandom was, because I'm very bad at monofandoming. They said "bandom, TSN, or actor stuff" so we'll say my main is bandom because that way I get to say that GERARD WAY IS MY FAVORITE HUMAN BEING.

Because he is.

3. Other hobbies outside of fandom
Bowling! (I would list baking and crafts, but often my baking and crafts/sewing cross over into fannish territory. Video games are also inherently fannish to me?)

I uh. Don't have many hobbies outside of fandom, apparently.

4. comfort food
Ochazuke. It's like chicken noodle soup with rice instead of noodles.

5. where you'd like to travel
I'd like to go to Germany and maybe, like. The parts of Japan that are properly considered Japan.

6. favourite/most important day of the year
My favorite day is Christmas, the most important day of the year is January 1st.

7. out of the books you had to read for school/college, which is your favourite?
SKIM by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki. (If you don't count comic books as actual books, a) you're wrong and you should feel wrong and b) Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov.)

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

!meme, fandom: star trek, fandom: pokemon, fandom: sherlock (bbc), reili: ramble, band: my chemical romance, reili: look at your life choices, reili: go. to. bed.

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