[fiction] aubergines.

Nov 18, 2011 02:25

365 Gay Sharks
Day 316, Word Count: 1672
Theme: November; Write Until You Drop
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Chris phone clatters across the counter and she grabs at it while Aidan laughs like the asshole he is at her eagerness to see who it is. It's, predictably, Taylor. The text says "are you free for dinner tonight" and Chris texts back "yes!" only just not texting it in all caps. She suspects that much eagerness might scare him away and she's nottrying to do that at all. She really likes Taylor, to be quite honest.

"Oh my god," Aidan says as she sets her phone back down, "you are crushing /hard/ on this boy."
"Shut the fuck up," Chris says, angrily shoving bacon into her mouth, "I still remember when you were first dating Aidan."

Wisely Aidan doesn't say anything else and instead returns to eating his breakfast. The amount of blackmail they have on each other is high. For every time Chris was horribly drunk and Aidan wasn't, there was a time that Aidan was horribly drunk and it all evens out in the end. There was a short period of time where Aidan had been very much in love and very much thought that maybe Avery hung the moon in the sky.

In the spirit of true payback and low blows that friendship blackmail affords a person, Chris has not yet let Aidan forget that was a thing. She's even told Avery some of the stupid things that Aidan said, because it was like watching some horrible adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. Chris has been pretty sure that Aidan would dump this guy after he brought him too the house, but Avery himself had proved Chris very wrong.

She'd introduced herself and he'd smiled, said he'd heard so much about her, and gave her the brightest fucking smile she had ever seen. He wasn't jealous of her or doing it because he thought that was what Aidan wanted (Chris had learned to pick those boys out), he was just. Avery was a force of will that was equal to Chris' or Aidan's and he genuinely liked Aidan which was a thing that Chris was always a fan of.

Plus Aidan was kind of like her in that he was demisexual and he was unlikely to ever leave Aidan or cheat on him (but not because of that). There were lots of things to like about Avery, Chris knew, and he was awesome to have around because he could cook and they really couldn't.

(Prior to finding Avery, Aidan and Chris had eaten a lot of mac and cheese and other things that came out of boxes and were easy to make.)

(They were not particularly good cooks, which Avery soon figured out.)

There's another text, this one reading "7:30 ok?" and Chris texts back "sure where at?" and Aidan is laughing silent at her, she can tell. Setting her phone back down, Chris smiles and turns toward Aidan. He has the decency to look ashamed, which she definitely appreciates.

"Remember that time," Chris says breezily, "when you dragged me to six different stores looking for Avery's collar?"
"Shut up."
"Or that time in college," Chris continues, "when we both went to see that /awful/ play because your crush was in ensemble?"
"Shut. Up. Chris."
"I think my personal favorite was the time I suffered through The Notebook with you because it was a guy's favorite movie."
"The Notebook is a piece of cinematic genius," Aidan huffs, "so you can shut your face."
"Five minutes in we were both taking shots every time someone said the word love. You don't remember anything about The Notebook."
"Fine," Aidan sighs, "I get it, we're both hopeless romantics now please shut up and stop bringing up embarrassing stories."

Her phone buzzing across the counter again is enough to distract Chris. Aidan should be glad she's willing to let this go - he never is. The text list a pretty tiny place that Chris has been before, and she tells him that she'll meet him there at 7:30, public transit willing.Finishing off the remains of her breakfast, Chris sticks the plate in the sink and starts deciding what she's going to wear to dinner.

"If you think you're dressing yourself without my input," Aidan says as she's walking to her room, "you are sorely mistaken, Miss Chris."
"I wouldn't even dream of it," Chris says, looking over her shoulder, "Dressing me up is your favorite past time."

There's a pretty big stretch of time before she really has to get ready, though, so Chris instead heads to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She's probably going to watch an episode of the X-files before Aidan bursts into her room with the contents of a Sephora and dresses her up. It's something that Chris has gotten pretty used to over the years, Aidan using her as a life-sized Barbie, but it means she looks good.

Personally, if Chris has it her way, she'd wear simple skirts and hoodie combos to every date she went on. It's comfortable and functional. Aidan, however, has bigger and better plans for her. He usually sends her out in flouncy skirts and tight, scoop-neck t-shirts with blazers. The look is good on her, so Chris doesn't mind it, but Aidan can be a little bit scary when he really gets into dressing her up nicely.

She takes a shower and then settles into the X-files. Just as the credits on the third episode start to roll, Aidan barges into her room. He's got an entire make-up collection and Chris sighs, shutting down her laptop as she sits on the edge of the bed and waits for his orders.

"Okay," Aidan says, hands on his hips, "He seems like a pretty laid-back, no-nonsense kind of guy. Yes or no?"
"He asked me out and i was wearing a slightly baggy hoodie and jeans, I'm sure that's fairly safe to say."
"Hm," Aidan taps his chin, "Okay. This is going to be a little tougher than usual, then."

Walking over to her closet, Aidan yanks it open and starts searching through it for whatever pieces of his vision for Chris' date attire. She watches him, watching as he bypasses her dresses entirely and goes straight for the skirts, which is a good sign. She hates dresses. Well, that's not accurate. She hates dresses as date attire, because they tend to make her just a little bit self-conscious and antsy.

Aidan finally pulls out one of her cutesy knee-length skirts, this one white with medium-sized blue polka dots all over it, and a t-shirt. The t-shirt is the same color as the polks dots and Chris knows that Aidan bought her them, because she never matches things like that.

He holds them up together for a moment before handing them to her. Chris dutifully puts them on and then waits while he rifles around. Aidan emerges with a soft, heather-grey zip-up hoodie and some matching wool tights that he also hands her before he hunts for shoes. Without even having to second-guess herself, she watches as Aidan emerges with the box containing her white high-heels with the ankle strap.

Like always, he sits on the floor removing them from the box and holding it out for her to slip on before he carefully does up the strap. She always lets him, because Aidan makes her feel like a princess and she's always been secretly fond of the way he loves dressing her up. She lets him put on the other shoe too and then slowly walks over to her vanity, sitting in front of it demurely and waiting for Aidan. There's a moment where he just stands there, brushing her hair out absently before it does it in a quick and neat braid. Chris turns to him.

"Do we have to go with makeup?"
Aidan raises an eyebrow, "Honey, do you ever go outside without make-up on?"

The answer to that question is /no/, because Aidan has trained her well and she sighs, tilting her face upwards. Aidan swipes foundation on. It's more than she does for low-preassure outings, but she knows Aidan will make it look natural. He adds blush, just the tiniest hint. Her eyes are low-key the way she usually does them (nude with eyeliner/mascara) and he stains her lips in rosy pink. Chris looks at herself.

"You enjoy this way too much," Chris smiles, looking over at him, "but I'm glad I reap the benefits here."
"You would be a mess without me," Aidan kisses her forehead lightly, "how much time before your date?"
Chris checks, "I'd better head out after I grab my purse, I'll text you if anything disastrous happens?"
"You better."

Blowing a kiss to Aidan, Chris grabs her heather-grey mini-messenger bag and dumps lipstick, eyeliner, wallet, keys, and her phone into it. She thinks for a moment and then grabs her day planner and a mirror before heading out the door and walking toward the BART station. She's kind of glad that her job has made her ridiculously good at walking around in heels as she walks, because her heels are two inches.

As she gets on the BART, Chris fumbles in her bag for a moment and produces her phone. She text Avery that she's on her way to her date. He almost immediately responds with something that's half emoticon and half exclamation points. Luckily, Chris is used to his excitement. She puts her phone away again and sways with the motion of the speeding train, a little nervous and excited with butterflies in her stomach.

She wants this to go right, she wants it to at least be nice, and something tells her that it will be. It has to be.

Carefully stepping off the train at her stop, Chris puts on a bright smile, and starts walking toward the restaurant that Taylor texted her. She's ready to do this and rock it, ready to blow Taylor's mind, ready to take on the entire freaking world - and it isn't even nightfall.

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verse: aubergines, reili: nanowrimo, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, !fiction

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