Arbitrary Awards.

Nov 08, 2011 13:45

365 Gay Sharks
Day 307, Word Count: 1474
Theme: November; Write Until You Drop
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Reili's Super-Arbitrary Kink Bingo 2011 Prizes

I feel like I'm missing so many things, and I spent so much the round MAKING things that I didn't have a lot of time to CONSUME things. So these are the things that I remember liking, from the very few categories I love.

poetry on skin award
given to anyone who filled a "writing on the body" square, regardless of fandom, because it's my favorite kink and I get really excited whenever I see it pop up!
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Love Letter
Black Stone Rising (original fiction); Astrid Kessler/Greg Pearson, PG-13
Summary: The only love letter he'll ever write to her, and he doesn't let her read it.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
The universe this is set is seems pretty interesting, and I just really like the idea of filling in what the other person is writing with imagined words versus the actual words the wrote. Plus, love letters are awesome.

Study Aids
Supernatural RPF; Jared/Jensen, R
Summary: Jensen uses the materials at hand to help fix his knowledge of human anatomy in his mind.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Okay, this method of studying might not help you pass a test, but it'll definitely get you hot and bothered which is an A+ side-effect in my book. (For the record, I would totally use that study method if I needed to remember body parts.)

This Book
Book of Eli; Solana, Eli, G
Summary: She wanted him to touch her. He needed to make a mark.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
I haven't seen Book of Eli, but this art is making a pretty good case for me watching it! I just really love the sketchiness of it and the limited color palette.

Buffy; Tara/Willow, R
Summary: Willow writes the words of the spell on the canvas of Tara's skin.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Oh man, Willow and Tara writing all over each other. I can't come up with words when that picture is running through my head. Who do you think I am, superwoman?

Professor Jackass
X-men; Scott/Logan, NC-17
Summary: Logan finds himself in bed with an unconscious Scott and a set of marker pens. He's hardly responsible for what he does next.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
The things this far have been more on the loving side of writing on the body, but this one is more on the humiliational end of the spectrum. It's loving to be sure, but Logan has his fun too. ;)

Power in a Name
Hawaii 5-0; Steve/Danny, NC-17
Summary: Danny wants to leave his mark on Steve.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
I saw the season 1 finale of Hawaii 5-0 (this mostly involved me going "is that spike? why is spike in hawaii." and also "IRON CUISINE!") and I have little to no idea who these characters are but oh how I love the posessiveness here!

Study Session
Puella Magi Madoka Magica; Homura/Madoka, G
Summary: Homura helps Madoka study.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Oh, be still my heart. I'm still not quite at the stage where I can see Madoka things and not tear up, but this is just so cute and gah! I love it a lot.

What It Says About Me
n/a; n/a, NC-17
Summary: A 21 image picspam of writing on the body.
Content Notes: Contains Explicit imagery, no other notes apply
Here we go! This is the more humiliating side of writing on the body, of having all the things you are emblazoned across your skin.

Keeping Track
Doctor Who; Amy/Rory, PG-13
Summary: Amy and Rory, on the run during Day of the Moon.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Doctor Who is something I know very little about, but this is very lovely and I'm enamoured of the way the characters seem to need the writing on them for whatever reason.

anniversary celebrations
Stargate SG-1; Sam Carter, Jack O'Neill, R
Summary: Sam and Teal'c are having their half a year anniverary. Jack's pulled in by Sam to prepare her surprise.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
The only episode of Stargate I've ever seen is the Groundhog Day-esque one (and I've seen it several times, irony noted) but I like the idea of this, someone presenting themself as a thing with helpful instructions. The hints at a larger universe are quite nice too.

Away From You
Stargate Atlantis; Lorne/Parrish, Stackhouse/Markham, PG
Summary: Lacking any other canvas, Evan used what he had; his skin.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
I don't know anything about this Stargate either (how many Stargate things are there??), but I am still enchanted by this and the more permanent version of writing on the body presented here.

Inception; Ariadne, G
Summary: When Ariadne starts working on other jobs, she starts making notes on the inside of her arms.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
I like the solo-kink presented here and how Ariadne's body becomes a diary and the writing is almost a way to come to terms with herself. It's very interesting.

Say It with a Sharpie (the Verdana 12pt Remix)
Stargate Atlantis; John/Rodney, R
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply; also D/s, paddling
Summary: John's writing things on Rodney's body and Rodney's not sure what to make of it. (Remix of Say It with a Sharpie.)
Oooo writing as secret messages! This fic is super-sweet and I highly reccomend the original too!

Your Body is Poetic
n/a; n/a, NC-17
Summary: 32 icons of writing on the body.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Ah, these are really pretty! I wish I could read the writing on all of them, but the art ones are super-yay too.

The Seduction of Science
Echo Bazaar; Player, R
Summary: Then, because you would not have come so far in your quest for knowledge without a healthy degree of ruthlessness, you ask whether he might care to indulge with you in exploring some of the more sensual mysteries hidden in the Correspondence's script.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply; some body horror
The eerieness here and the way the writing is magic is gorgeous and I know nothing at all about this canon but oh how I love this.

Winning and Losing
Supernatural RPF; Misha/Jensen, R
Summary: Misha's weekend game involves making Jensen guess what's been written on his back.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Yes. Yes, ugh writing in things that are not ink or paint is so much amazing you guys and I wish every fic was about writing words in strange substances or something. That sounds really weird, wow.

Bright Ideas
STXI; Sulu/Chekov, PG-13
Summary: Shore-leave is supposed to be for sex and sleeping, but Sulu had to go get involved with a genius...
Content Notes: Chekov's age isn't specified in the fic. He's 17 in the movie, but I'm assuming some time has passed.
Using people as my own personal notepad is, quite honestly, my favorite thing to do, and I think this fic is everything I feel when I'm like "stay still! I need to write all over you!"

The Calligraphy Lesson
Avatar: the Last Airbender; Iroh/Ursa, PG-13
Summary: Three viewpoints on a calligraphy lesson.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Hey, look! The actual poetry being given this award, whoa. It's super-cool poetry, and I really like the alternate viewpoints given here.

Can I Have it in Writing?
Suits; Harvey/Mike, PG-13
Summary: It's a marker, Mike can tell by the slithery wet texture of it. He hopes to God it isn't permanent.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Yes. I had more to say, only I've suddenly forgotten it.

I Give Myself to You Dear
Thor; Frigga/Odin/Sif, NC-17
Summary: Sif is not worn out from them.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Have I mentioned that I really like the posession present in writing all over someone? Because it's really possessive, even when not overtly so, but oh god is it overtly posessive here and it's awesome.

Write a Hundred Times
Torchwood; Jack/Ianto, NC-17
Summary: Jack writes an important sentence.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
The repetition of writing is something that's pretty awesome too. You can bliss out on it and it's fucking awesome.

and this gives life to thee.
X-men: First Class; Erik/Charles, PG-13
Summary: Poetry, Charles Xavier style.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Poetry. Drying into someone's skin. Someone send help, I'm getting too many ideas.

Writing on the Forehead
Psych; Burton Guster & Shawn Spencer or Gus/Shawn, PG-13
Summary: A picture of Shawn and Gus.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply. Contains an element of humiliation. More or less safe for work.
Everything about this, from Shawn's dialogue to Gus' somewhat smug expression, is pretty much perfect and I love it.

Raw Materials
Valkyrie Profile Series; Lezard Valeth, PG-13
Summary: Gathering materials for his masterpiece is an interesting process.
Content Notes: Consent issues (subject is captured and unwilling.); no other standard notes apply
I love the really sinister quality here a lot and the way this leaves a lot of threads undone so you're left wondering how it will end. Well, I am anyway, because I don't know anything at all about this fandom.

do you know what's cooler than a bingo? an arbitrary award
given to all the Social Network fanworks posted, because it was all ridiculously good and I just want to share it with everyone.
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Time Out
The Social Network; Mark/Eduardo, PG-13
Summary: Mark loves the way that Eduardo gets when he pushes him hard enough.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Oh. Oh this is everything I want in TSN fic: the way they're so perfect and the way they know each other so well and the way they are two-hundred percent in love.

In Webs and Knots
The Social Network; Eduardo/Mark, Chris/Dustin, Eduardo/Chris, Eduardo/Mark/Chris, NC-17
Summary: When Mark gets in a car accident Dustin and Chris have to call Eduardo back to California. No, not to play nursemaid. Mark's in a coma, but it turns out that all the code Dustin needs is locked down under a series of passwords that, with Mark out of commission, only Eduardo knows. The passwords are prompted from important moments in the evolution of Mark and Eduardo's relationship, which weave in and out of the movie timeline up until the current day. Contains heavy D/s themes, kink, next to no technical accuracy, and a happy ending.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply/further notes at link
There are some warnings on the masterpost (which is where that link goes to) but all I can say is that I love this fic. I love the way it weaves through time, the way that it punched me in the gut and then soothed away my pain, just. If you read anything off this list read this.

For A Purpose
The Social Network; Mark/Eduardo, PG
Summary: Mark draws Eduardo long before he meets him.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
I am a sucker for art school in fic (okay, sue me I like reading about what I go through every day), and I just really love the way this goes. It should be a lot creepier to me than it is, but mostly it makes me smile.

Variations on Want and Need
The Social Network; Mark/Eduardo, Chris/Dustin, OT4, NC-17
Summary: Mark is a pretty simple person.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
I am all for crazy configurations of people (but I need people, unlike Mark, because I'd never get anything done without them), and I just really like the way everything seems to fit.

Cole's Axiom
The Social Network; Chris/Dustin, PG
Summary: The hickeys are mocking him.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
I can't actually conjure up words beyond oh my gosh how cute is this. (My definition of "cute" tends to . . . not be other people's definition.)

The Social Network; Mark/Eduardo, G
Summary: Porn keeps showing up on Eduardo's laptop.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Mark. Mark that's not how you do it. And yet I find you INCREDIBLY ENDEARING and I don't understand.

Things We Did and Didn't Do
The Social Network; Mark/Eduardo, PG-15
Summary: Eduardo and Mark get stuck in an elevator and Eduardo snaps.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Ah, and there's the punch in the gut I have come to expect from Social Network fic.

Smooth as Silk
The Social Network; Eduardo/girl!Mark, R
Summary: Mark can't reach her legs, so Eduardo helps her out.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
I think everyone from here to Antarctica knows I have a thing for girl!Mark and ugh. This is great.

dye my pale skin
The Social Network; Chris/Mark, NC-17
Summary: Once, Chris let his hand rest on the back of Mark's neck and Mark immediately slumped, nearly collapsing over his keyboard. Chris yanked his hand back as if he had been shocked and it took Mark almost a full half hour to start thinking straight again.
Content Notes: D/s relationship between people who are only just figuring things out.
Chris/Mark is something that I like and the fic about the very beginnings of D/s relationships is something I like, so this fic is just lots of things I like.

soft features award
given to all the Suits fanworks posted, because it was all ridiculously good and I just want to share it with everyone.
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Can I Have it in Writing?
Suits; Harvey/Mike, PG-13
Summary: It's a marker, Mike can tell by the slithery wet texture of it. He hopes to God it isn't permanent.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
No seriously. Go read this fic. Love this fic. Roll around and bask in it.

Wag your Tail
Suits; Harvey/Mike, FRT-13
Summary: It’s not the first time Harvey dropped the puppy analogy on him.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
But what happens next? Augh, this fic makes me want to sit and beg for more.

Secret Weapon
Suits; Harvey/Mike, FRT-13
Summary: Harvey Specter was not a happy man when he had to change out of his suit, but a new discovery quickly changed his mood.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Oh, Mike. You should learn to be a little more subtle.

Black Suede Shoes
Suits; Harvey/Mike, FRM
Summary: Mike falls in love with Harvey’s shoes
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
This is what watching the show feels like sometimes and just. /happy sigh

Suits; Harvey+Mike, R
Summary: Mike does a terrible job of eavesdropping.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Oh, Mike. Mike you are such a dumbass and idk why you are endearing YOU ARE A DERPY SHAWN SPENCER.

a surprising lack of self-control
Suits; Harvey/Mike, R
Summary: Mike somehow manages to make Harvey break all of his self-imposed rules.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Ugh, Mike you schemer. This story is everything I like in the show with the added bonus of awesome porn. Yes.

Ice Ice Baby
Suits; Harvey/Mike, R
Summary: During the NYC heatwave, Harvey makes Mike stay at his air-conditioned apartment.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Can I say that I want to rec this just for the title? (But no actually it's a really awesome fic.)

Tripping the Line
Suits; Harvey/Mike, PG-13
Summary: They were investigating a fraternity in Ohio for the case they were working, some idiot rich kid who lost a lot of the family's money on an investments deal gone bad.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Ugh, I just really like the dynamic here. The dynamic is really my favorite thing on the show, okay?

more is always more award
given to my favorite works of threesomes (or moresomes)! because it's always nice to see some polyamory love.
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Out Of Service
Haven; Nathan/Audrey/Duke, MC-17
Summary: Audrey has never mixed business with pleasure.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
Ugh, this is seriously one of my favorite shows with a amazing threesome and yes. Everything about this is yes.

Variations on Want and Need
The Social Network; Mark/Eduardo, Chris/Dustin, OT4, NC-17
Summary: Mark is a pretty simple person.
I said most of want I wanted to say up there but seriously. Boys being boys! It is very yes.

How To Train Your Dragon; Ruffnut/Hiccup/Astrid, R
Summary: Awesome art (nsfw) of Ruffnut/Hiccup/Astrid.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply (the characters are aged up). Very much not safe for work.
I am all for Hiccup being with all the ladies and just. Yes. This art is gorgeous and amazing and MY HEART OKAY.

(take me now) as the sun descends
Bandom; Pete Wentz/Mikey Way/Gabe Saporta, R
Summary: A tiny little freakshow mixed-up pack. (werewolf AU)
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
I just want to roll around in this fic forever. I don't even have anything coherent to say I'm mostly like heeeeeee.

One Dog Night
Bandom; Spencer/Brendon/Sarah, R
Summary: Sometimes, Brendon's a very good dog.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
I have a mild thing for animal play in particular, but the whole Three-Part Harmony series is amazing and you should read them all.

cogs and kink award
because one of my favorite aesthetics is steampunk and you cannot go wrong when you make some steamkink. it's scientific fact, according to me.
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The Well-Kitted Steampunker
n/a; n/a, R
Summary: A look into what a kinky steampunker might use as non-penetrating sex toys.
Content Notes: No standard content notes apply
I just really like the idea of including kink in steampunk stuff, and this givess me some very delicious ideas.

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

* kink bingo, fandom: doctor who, band: panic! at the disco, fandom: buffy, fandom: psych, fandom: madoka, fandom: how to train your dragon, band: my chemical romance, fandom: suits, fandom: inception, fandom: the social network, fandom: star trek, band: fall out boy, band: cobra starship, !fic rec, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks

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