dvd commentary&some pictures

Sep 23, 2011 16:49

365 Gay Sharks
Day 267, Word Count: 1035
Theme: August; The Dog Days are Over (Apocalypse)
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

you're my favorite dvd commentary

This is the commentary for you're my favorite which is part of the Favorite Fix universe. By which I mean it was planned out and actually supposed to go in into the unknown but I cut it because a) the fic was getting really unwieldy and I really just wanted it done, but more importantly: b) I knew where the scene was supposed to go (it goes right after their "date" following Eduardo safewording) and why it was supposed to go there, but it just really would not fit itself into the flow of the story. There's a lot of random scenes like this one on my computer that I really liked, but could fit into a particular fic. Usually they just don't get fleshed out and reworked like this one.
Mark's sitting on the edge of the bed, Eduardo in front of him, and he swallows as Eduardo ties the blindfold around his eyes. Everything goes dark, and Mark startles a little when Eduardo touches his shoulder but Eduardo just touches their foreheads together and Mark relaxes again. Pressing their lips together, more calming than wanting, Eduardo cups Mark's face with his hands. When he breaks the kiss, he moves away and Mark makes a distressed noise without meaning to.

"I'm right in front of you," Eduardo says, voice calm and reassuring, "and I've got a marker in my hand. I'm going to write on you, okay? It's washable."

I don't actually remember right now if this is ever explicitly mentioned in into the unknown, but one of the particular pieces of headcanon I was working with was that when Mark often feels lost when he can't tell/doesn't know where Eduardo is. Eduardo, of course, has noticed that Mark seems to need the guidance and he always tries to make sure Mark doesn't panic. Eduardo tries, he really does.

As for what Eduardo is drawing on Mark with, although no one cares but me, it's a Faber-Castell Marker Pen in light blue. Yes, I sometimes think too much when I write my stories.
Not entirely sure he can form words, Mark nods. He can't see Eduardo, can't see what he's thinking or doing although he can hear Eduardo moving around. Eduardo's fingers circle around Mark's wrist, and Mark allows him to extend his arm until it's straight out. There's the sound of something being uncapped, and Mark's expecting the cool press of ink against his skin but Eduardo speaks instead.

"I need you to focus, Mark. Tell me what I'm writing."

Mark has focus problems. It's not that he can't focus, mind you, but that sometimes he gets overwhelmed or sidetracked and Eduardo has to keep him on task, though. He's learned that giving Mark clear, specific instructions helps a lot with that. Entirely unrelated to that, though, the reason Eduardo is writing with that particular kind of marker is that it's got a hard tip and it's easier to feel whatever is being written. I did say that I sometimes overthink things, yes?
Nodding again, Mark waits for Eduardo to begin. There's a drag across the back of his hand, down then up in a straight line before slanting and traveling until making a sharp turn and traveling upward until it turns again and goes down until it stops. There's a split-second pause and then a curve turning into a straight line. The next letter is a line, slight curve at the end, followed by a straight line couple with two intersecting, slanted ones. Eduardo pauses. M-A-R-K.

Mark says, "Mark."
Eduardo says, "Good."

Oh, man. Okay, so I should probably mention that I wrote the first half of this story on my phone while I was being dragged around a Home Depot (yes, I write in strange places sometimes) and I actually had to stop in the middle of Home Depot to stand there and write Mark in the air. Like, it's kind of weird how I knew what the word looked like, but once I had to describe how it's written, I couldn't do it. Sometimes, I think we forget how much writing becomes muscle memory.
If he could see, Mark thinks that maybe Eduardo would be smiling that small, proud smile Mark loves the most. The one that tells him he's doing okay. Eduardo touches the marker back to Mark's skin. Vertical straight line, three horizontal straight lines. Curve, long straight line. Plain curve. Curve, short straight line. Straight line, slight curve at end. Curve, long straight line. Circle. Eduardo pauses and Mark reassembles the information in his head. E-D-U-A-R-D-O.


The funny thing about those descriptions is that they don't really help you picture the letters, do they? I'm not quite sure what I was going for with that-perhaps a kind of break-down of something that usually seems to easy. I do quite like making things unnecessarily complicated, after all.
There isn't a clear message to what Eduardo's writing yet, but Mark thinks that those were merely a test for accuracy and recognition. Eduardo beings to write again, pausing after each letter to let Mark assemble the letters in his head. Mark says the word when he's put it back together, stringing them together to form the poetry Eduardo's writing that twists up Mark's arm. Mark recites it as it's written, tongue curling carefully around each word.

By the way, if you've never had to recognize letters through feel alone, it can be exceedingly difficult depending on how neatly the person is writing. It doesn't say it in that paragraph, but Mark didn't actually have a 100% accuracy rate. It has a lot to do with the particular poem that Eduardo chose, but you know.
I die of love for him, perfect in every way, the poem reads, spiraling from his wrist upwards, Lost in the strains of wafting music. My eyes are fixed upon his delightful body and I do not wonder at his beauty. His waist is a sapling, his face a moon, and loveliness rolls off his rosy cheek. I die of love for you, but keep this secret: the tie that binds us is an unbreakable rope. How much time did your creation take, O angel? So what! All I want is to sing your praises.

The poem that went here was originally Sonnet 44, but then I decided that I didn't feel like putting Shakespeare into this fic (I have so many thoughts about Shakespeare, but those are for another day) and was flicking through my poetry notes when I found about half this poem (I googled "gay poetry" for a project ages ago) copied into my notebook. Eduardo probably found it the same way I did, all those years ago. Tried "love poems," got fed up, and tried a more specific search. Also, if you don't know a lot about Abu Nuwas, check him out. He's pretty cool, although his views on lesbians are a bit cringe-inducing.
It's odd, because Mark knows the curve of every letter Eduardo's marked on his skin and knows how to felt when it was written, but he doesn't know what they look like on his skin. Eduardo lifts Mark's hand, kissing it, before he lets go and then Mark doesn't know where Eduardo is. He waits, though, because he knows Eduardo wouldn't leave him, and he can hear Eduardo moving.

Mark knows Eduardo won't leave him, but he doesn't like it when he does is the thing. Eduardo's actually went to turn out the main overhead light so Mark wouldn't be blinded when the blindfold was removed, though.
"Mark," Eduardo says, and Mark turns toward his voice, "close your eyes."

Obeying, Mark lets his eyes flutter shut. It doesn't make a difference in how dark it is, but then Mark feels Eduardo's fingers deftly unknotting the blindfold. Eduardo slowly removes the blindfold, and Mark leaves his eyes shut until Eduardo says he can open them. The lights in the room are dim, Mark knows, and he can feel Eduardo's skin brush against his.

And Eduardo's moved back so he's standing in front of Mark. He leans forward to unknot the blindfold, sets it aside, and then leans back in to whisper into Mark's ear.
"Okay," Eduardo says, voice right in Mark's ear, "you can open your eyes now."

Slowly, Mark opens his eyes. It takes a moment to adjust, but then Eduardo comes into focus. He's smiling, which means Mark has done well. Mark smiles back, before he looks down at his arm. The words are like some kind of art, and Mark can't do anything but be entranced by it. He knows that it has to be washed off, but Mark touches his fingers to Eduardo's arm.

The logistics behind Eduardo making the words curve around Mark's arm the way they do (similar to this) are a nightmare. Eduardo is a crazy, though, and he doesn't know how to do things by halves. Luckily Mark is patient and obedient and not a crazy squirmer like me.
"Hey," Mark says, "Will you take a picture of it?"

There's hesitation in Eduardo's eyes, and Mark knows this is asking a lot but he hopes that Eduardo will do this. Eduardo nods though, and Mark lets out a sigh of relief. Eduardo grabs his camera, taking a couple shots and placing Mark how he wants him, then he sets the camera aside and kisses Mark. It's slightly unexpected, but Mark isn't particularly bothered. Eduardo seems to need it anyway. When he pulls away, Mark waits, not knowing what Eduardo wants.

This is the reason the scene was supposed to go into the story. It was supposed to patch up Eduardo a little and fix the gap that Eduardo safewording created, but then I decided that it didn't really need patching and it was probably better that I didn't patch that particular gap in the story. I still really liked this idea and what I had planned out for the scene, so that's kind of why it exists. I feel like this has been commentary of a special feature. Why would anyone do that? Why did I do it? I don't know.
Eduardo holds out his hand, "Come on. We need to get you cleaned up."
"Okay," Mark takes Eduardo's hand, letting Eduardo lead him into the bathroom, "Thank you."
"No," Eduardo shakes his head, "thank you."

That's it! Hopefully that was entertaining or insightful or anything but really, really boring. It was probably only fun for me to write, though. Anyway, ♥! Stay awesome.

And now I'm going to go from babbling about textual art to babbling about visual art that involves a lot of text. This is actually just being lumped in with the other thing because I am full of posts and I feel bad for being full of posts because my queue of things to post is like six deep right now and this is not tumblr. Anyway, a series of word art called "say it dirty":

Basically I made a short playlist of dirty talk songs ranging from dirty talk that might actually make me want to sleep with someone (Drive) to dirty talk that's kind of on the level of "I Just Had Sex" (Tonight) and then went crazy with markers and pens because I have a space between my classes on Mondays and very little to do.

You can download the songs these are based on (plus the scans) here: say it dirty.

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

* kink bingo, fandom: the social network, pairing: eduardo/mark, !art, !meta, verse: favorite fix, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, !music

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