[fanfiction] train me to love again

Sep 20, 2011 13:59

365 Gay Sharks
Day 263, Word Count: 516
Theme: September; Camp
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Fandom/Pairings: Criminal Minds; Morgan/Garcia/Reid
Rating: PG-13
Pre-Notes: Technically for 1st_eggokage only also for bondage (other) on this
kink_bingo card.
Disclaimer: No, just borrowing.
Summary: Morgan frowns, "Are you sure you want to do this, Reid?"

train me to love again
Morgan frowns, "Are you sure you want to do this, Reid?"
"Using methods associated with bad memories and reassigning them good ones has been shown to be effective in helping people overcome their fears. Besides, I have a safeword."

On the surface it sounds just like Reid any other time Morgan asks him a question, but Morgan can pick up the subtle nervousness in what Reid's saying. It's like he doesn't the same absolute faith in it that he usually does and Morgan has his misgivings about this, but. Garcia glances over at him, expression as unsure as Morgan feels, but they both know that if Reid says something then it's probably true and well. It won't hurt to try, because they both know that Reid has been plagued by Tobaias and the Dilaudid.

So Garcia takes the rope, careful as she always is when she ties Reid up, and Morgan sits across from Reid. He talks, keeping the words and tone light, and Reid breathes, sometimes responding to Morgan and sometimes just listening. It's always been the three of them, though it's not always like this, because it's balanced that way. Garcia has the know how to bind Reid into the chair he's sitting on, Morgan knows how to handle people and knows how to keep them calm, and Reid sometimes needs to be reminded that although he may not have many people who love him, he has enough.

Reid takes in a slow, shuddery breath as Garcia begins tying his legs to the chair, and Morgan pauses, looking Reid over.

"Hey, Reid. Color?"
"Yellow," Reid says after a beat, "Can we just. Stop for a second?"
"You know we can stop anytime you want," Garcia says, looking up from her position down at Reid's feet, "You say the word and these ropes are gone, honey."
"No," Reid says, "It's fine, I'm just not in the right headspace yet and I can't -"
"Reid," Morgan says quietly, "don't freak out, just breathe. Listen to my voice, you're not in the graveyard. You're here, with me and Garcia. We're not gonna hurt you, so just relax. You think you can do that for me?"

Eyes screwed shut and head tipped back, Reid takes a deep breath and then nods. It's not until a few moments later when Reid opens his eyes and looks at Morgan again that Morgan motions for Garcia to continue what she was doing. Reid stays still, doesn't move or say anything. His eyes are closed, although it's not in pain this time so Morgan keeps talking to him and Garcia keeps tying him up until she's done. She glances at Morgan when she's finished and nods, which is all the cue he needs. Garcia stands, walking over where Morgan is and standing beside him.

"Open your eyes," Morgan says quietly, "How are you feeling?"

Reid eyes flutter open and he visibly relaxes into the rope now restraining him. Something in Morgan relaxes at that and he smiles at Reid, reassuring. He knows that Garcia is probably smiling too.

"I think I'm okay."

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

fandom: criminal minds, * kink bingo, # bbq sauce, !fic, blame: 1st_eggokage, pairing: garcia/morgan/reid, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, # salt

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