365 Gay Sharks
Day 244, Word Count: 628
Theme: September; Camp
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click
here to read more about it. :D
I asked
liseuse for some icons to talk about because I wanted to do that "have someone rummage through your icons and pick five for you to babble about" meme. You can leave a comment if you want me to pick some for you. :D
The original fic I slightly pulled this phrase from is no longer online, I don't think (
I mention it here, though), but basically this icon is an unrelated to the post/I'm vaguely annoyed and petulant icon. (It is also something I say in real life as a non-sequiter ending to a particularly long and pointless sentence.)
Zebraman! ZEBRAMAN, LET ME LOVE YOU. If you do not know what Zebraman is (and I suspect you don't), then click
here*. Basically, it is the movie of my HEART because it is about my father if his family hated him and he really liked a show called Zebraman. And you're like "What?" and I'm like "Well, Zebraman is a movie about this cosplayer of a bad TV show called Zebraman that was cancelled after 7 episodes and then he saves the world from aliens by turning into a zebra-unicorn-pegasus (
complete truth!) and gets fined for property damages. It's a really good movie, I swear!"
And you'll be like: :| which will make me :( because it really is an amazing movie. It's funny and heartbreaking and it makes me cry every time I watch it. Which is a lot, because sometimes I just want to be reassured that Zebraman will save the day.
* I am not responsible for any lost time caused via browsing through Head Injury Theater.
. . . This icon is actually a line from
King Dork, which is actually one of my favorite books. One of the (many) subplots is that the main character, Tom, is trying to make a band with his friend, Sam. They recruit a drummer who basically wants to sing about Jesus and at one point during their practice session Tom just stops and says to the drummer: "You have a crush on Jesus but he doesn't notice you. Am I right?"
And I liked it so I put it on an icon which I don't use as often as I would like because I don't talk about books or Jesus often enough. I do leave it when I'm being lazy and hitting random icon, though.
I think we were in Japanese class (took it for an easy A, mostly sat about drawing lions and scrapbooking) and talking about the inherent racism in some Japanese terminology (hakujin for Caucasians and kurojin for African-Americans literally meaning "white person" and black person") which mostly ended in my friend going "yeah, well in Latin's everyone's a big homo." Which made me snicker because,
yup. So this is kind of my "sigh inherent wrongity wrongness within the universe whyyyy" icon and also sometimes a "fandom i do not have an icon for but this thing I am posting is gay."
This is one of two Kingdom Hearts icons I have (the other is
the shippy one), but it's actually mostly used for "oh my god why do I post the things that I post" and "this comment might seem a touch off but I assure you it's as coherent as you're gonna get from me." Because, uh. In real life, when I am trying to communicate words they are often accompanied by wild and crazy hand motions. By which I mean half of what I say is hand motions and half of it is actual words. Which is how you end up with
this being a perfectly acceptable hand signal for "remind me to get the batteries/I need a battery" in my family.
I was speech and debate captain, guys, and I still don't know why.
This entry originally posted
here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D