[fanfiction] Alex and the Tentacle Penis

Aug 15, 2011 00:45

365 Gay Sharks
Day 219, Word Count: 1494
Theme: August; The Dog Days are Over (Apocalypse)
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Fandom/Pairings: #y_slash; Cherimon
Rating: R
Pre-Notes: For the tentacles square on this
kink_bingo, card as part of the #cherimoncomeback2011. :D
Disclaimer: Hi Alex! Go away, Alex.
Summary: When Alex finds out about the tentacles, he's probably not as surprised as he should be.

Alex and the Tentacle Penis
When Alex finds out about the tentacles, he's probably not as surprised as he should be. Like, as long as he's known Charlie he's never seen Charlie naked which is kind of weird because he's seen most of his friends naked. Becky, Alex supposes, doesn't actually count in that respect but he's seen her naked too.

It's not even like Alex /wants/ to see Charlie naked. It's just that he get this feeling that Charlie is hiding something and Alex is the kind of person who doesn't take well to secrets. He wants to know all of the secrets because he is a nosy bastard and well. Yeah.

So that's why Alex starts trying to creepily scope out Charlie when he's naked. Except Charlie never gets naked. It's kind of weird, because Alex cannot even count the number of times that he's seen Charlie without a shirt on, but he's never, ever seen Charlie naked. Charlie sleeps in clothes to bed and Alex is now pretty sure that there is a secret in Charlie's pants and he's going to find it if it is the last thing he does.

That sounds really creepy. Briefly, Alex wonders if his curiosity is now bordering on obsession and then dismisses the thought. It doesn't even matter, because Alex will find out what the secret in Charlie's pants is.

And, uh, maybe crawling into the air ducts to spy on Charlie while he's in the bathroom is crossing a line, but Alex just has to know. Luckily, Charlie is a creature of habit so he always showers at the same time and Alex can crawl into the air duct and lie in wait for Charlie.

When Charlie enters the room, Alex hears the click of the lock. There's a pause, and then Charlie carefully starts removing his clothes and tossing them into the hamper. Alex is mostly focused on Charlie's reflection in the mirror above the sink, because Charlie isn't facing him and huh. There's nothing weird about Charlie so far, but then Charlie shimmies out of his underwear and oh.

Those are most definitely not a penis.

Instead of a regular penis, the kind you see in textbooks or whatever, Charlie has these . . . They're tentacles. He's got little fleshy tentacles that are stretching out and seriously, this explains a lot. Charlie glances over into the mirror and Alex is so deep in his own thoughts that he misses the way Charlie's eyes widen. He doesn't, however, miss when Charlie turns and stares up at the air vent.

"Alex," Charlie says, a little hysterical, "why are you in the air duct?"

Alex does not even have a good excuse for this. He opens his mouth and then closes it again, although he doubts Charlie can see it. Yeah, he's really got nothing.

"I was," Alex pauses, "pretending to be a spy?"
"Okay," Charlie frowns, "then why were you spying on me?"
"Because," Alex winces, "you have confidential information in your pants?"

There's a really awkward, really long silence. Charlie just stares up at the air vent, and Alex just looks back down at Charlie. His tentacles wiggle in the air like happy streamers or something.

"I'm going to take a shower," Charlie says finally, "and you're going to get out of the air duct. When I get out of the shower, we're going to have a talk about this."

Charlie turns and gets into the shower, pulling the curtain shut a little violently, and Alex wants to argue with him but he really doesn't have any room to. Instead, he crawls out of the air duct and dusts himself off before sitting at their kitchen table and nervously waiting for Charlie to finish his shower. He taps his fingers nervously, approximating a rhythm.

Some time later, Charlie comes out of the bathroom wearing sweatpants. His hair is still wet, and Alex has this sudden urge to lick the droplets of water on Charlie's collarbone off. Which, really weird. Charlie sighs, sitting across from Alex.

"You weren't wrong, exactly. I'm kind of pissed that you crawled into the air duct to spy on me, but you weren't wrong."

Having fucked things up enough, Alex stays quiet. He figures that if he doesn't say anything, then Charlie will get all his anger out and maybe Alex can apologize and try to explain what he had been thinking. Except for how he hadn't been thinking and that was kind of the problem now wasn't it?

"Anyway, now you know my big secret," Charlie says quietly, "I hope this doesn't change anything between us."
Alex frowns, "Why would it? I mean, you have tentacles in your pants but you're still Charlie."
"You're not," Charlie blinked at Alex, "You're not disgusted?"
"Not really," Alex shrugged, "Although you realize that I how have about fifty million questions about it, but I'm not disgusted."
"You're a fucking pervert," Charlie shakes his head, "but I guess that's why you're my friend."
Alex grins, "You wouldn't have me any other way."

And that's kind of it. Nothing changes between them unless you count Alex randomly asking questions about it when they're alone, and Charlie always shaking his head but answering. Oh, and the fact that Alex slowly realizes that he's totally in love with Charlie and that's why he was obsessed with seeing his penis. Yeah. The problem is trying to tell Charlie that, because Alex is pretty sure that Charlie will think Alex is some kind of Captain Kirk who only wants to sleep with Charlie because he's new and exotic. Which, that's part of it, but Alex thinks he was in love with Charlie for a long time before that.

Eventually, Alex just gives the fuck up and kisses Charlie.

They're in the kitchen trying to cook dinner, and then Alex turns, pressing his lips to Charlie's. Charlie startles, and Alex pulls back. Charlie's eyes are wide and confused when Alex looks at him and Alex is worried he's fucked something up even more when Charlie steps forward, pressing their lips together again. Charlie pulls away after a moment and smiles at Alex.

"You're not as subtle as you think you are."

The statement makes Alex frown a little, and Charlie laughs. They finish making dinner and then they sit around trying to watch Doctor Who. It mostly ends in them making out on the couch and Charlie crawling into Alex's lap. Alex holds him steady, and Charlie presses close to Alex. It's a little weird, because instead of Charlie being hard against him, Charlie . . . squirms against him. Alex isn't complaining, though.

"Alex," Charlie whines, "Alex, we have to-"
"Can you fuck me with your tentacle-y bits?"

Charlie gives a strangled, broken moan and Alex lifts him, carrying him the short distance to his room and laying him out on his bed. Looking down, Alex can see that Charlie's are are dark with want, and he ducks into his bedside table for lube and . . . Alex looks down are the condoms in the drawer.

"Charlie," Alex says, "do your tentacles need a condom?"

A beat, Charlie knitting his brow in thought, and then he slowly shakes his head. So Alex leaves the condoms where they are and climbs back into bed with Charlie, who almost immediately pulls him down for another kiss. His hands start fumbling with Alex's zipper, then succeeding in freeing Alex, who wiggles out of his pants. Charlie's sweats are next off, and then they're skin to skin.

There's a velvety brush of Charlie's tentacles around Alex's groin, one wrapping around his cock and pumping experimentally. Alex moans, then gasps when one of Charlie's tentacles presses the slightest bit into him. They're thin like fingers, and Alex presses back against Charlie's tentacle. It starts fucking him slowly, and Alex loses himself in the sensation so much that it startles him when the tentacle expands, now about double the width it was before. Charlie had said, Alex remembers, that his tentacle-y bits could expand and contract if he wanted them to. That was how he fit them into his pants and that was how he was now slowly working Alex open.

The tentacle around his cock, and Alex couldn't focus on a single sensation. He could only feel Charlie, whose presence wrapped around him and cradled him gently. Alex couldn't even tell when he came, just knew that Charlie's tentacle was contacting and sliding out of his body, leaving him empty and a little dazed. Touching their foreheads together, Charlie manages a weak smile at Alex.

"You okay?"
"Yeah," Alex breathes out, and then slowly breathes back in, "better than okay. Do you need me too . . ."

Alex trails off awkwardly, not entirely sure how tentacle-y bits attain release, but Charlie shakes his head. He presses their lips together, and Alex is really, really glad he decided to crawl into the air duct.

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

* kink bingo, pairing: alex/charlie, fandom: #y_slash, !fic, # salsa, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, # paprika

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