[fanfiction] drabble free-for-all

Aug 12, 2011 19:48

365 Gay Sharks
Day 217, Word Count: 2437
Theme: August; The Dog Days are Over (Apocalypse)
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

I told twitter I was having a drabble free-for-all. 50 pairings, 3 to 5 sentences each. These are the results.

"Stop moving," Lucy sighs, "I'm going to fuck your nails up if you keep moving while I'm painting and then you'll bitch about them like Mona does."
"Will not," Danii pouts, and Lucy rolls her eyes, "because I appreciate everything you do."
". . . You moved. And now that Pikachu is the worst Pikachu."

Kyle plops himself down onto Alex's lap and smirks down at him. Alex smiles up, and Kyle bends down to press their lips together. It's an awesome, amazing, one-of-a-kind kiss until Alex pulls away giggling.

"I'm sorry," he laughs, "your mustache tickles."

It's during StickAid, Charlie with his face in his hands and trying not to fall asleep, when Teoh sits down next to him and bumps their shoulders together. Charlie startles, looking around wildly, and Teoh manages to catch his face and touch their foreheads together.

"Breathe, sweetheart," Teoh says quietly, "Just breathe and it'll be all right."

It's Ben's fault, but everything is Ben's fault; he introduces them and they're instant friends. It's like they're meant to be together, and Alex doesn't know when his feelings started shifting from friendship to love but he knows when Teoh first kisses him. Alex gasps into the kiss, a little surprised, and he can feeling Teoh grinning.

Which, okay . . . Alex can work with that.

Tom settles into Teoh's lap, head tilted to kiss him fiercely, and Teoh's hands find his hips. Pressing closer, Tom moans shamelessly and clings a little tighter to Teoh's shoulders.

It's fast and rough, mostly a blur, but that's how they like it.

Alex likes Ben, because Ben is a cool guy and he likes Doctor Who and he's witty and yeah. It's not like he has a crush on Ben or anything, because that would be silly.

Also he's totally straight.

Bacon is really, really not Teoh's usual type but there's just something about him that makes Teoh want to get to know him better. He seems to really enjoy what he does, and that's something Teoh loves in a guy. So yeah, maybe it starts out as a curiosity, but it definitely develops into something more.

When Charlie told Ramona that Phil was a freak in the sheets, he meant it. Phil is sinking down on to Charlie's's cock, mouth stretched obscenely, and Charlie takes a moment to appreciate the view before he tangles his fingers into Phil's hair. Phil moans, sending a shiver up Charlie, and yeah. Charlie thinks he could get used to this.

Teoh/Justin Bieber
It is a good thing that Teoh doesn't bump into Justin until Justin's newly eighteen, because he is a great many things, but he is not a pedophile. It's not what he's into, and Justin isn't really his type, but whatever. Justin's willing and Teoh's not picky.

Alex remembers a small, easily excited woman with fiery red hair who only ever called herself "the Doctor" from when he was younger, and he knows she's real despite what anyone else says. Still, he's not really expecting her blue box to crash into the middle of his flat, and he's not really expecting her to stumble out coughing either, but when she finally manages to stop coughing, she straightens herself and blinks at him.

"Little Alex Day, is that you? You're quite a bit taller than I remember, although I suppose it has been a while . . . it has been a while, hasn't it?"

They're in the kitchen, staring at the package of cookie dough that came with the Digiorno like it's an alien, and it's Lucy that moves toward the package first.

"This is, like, cookies for idiots. We cannot possible screw this up."
"You say that now," Reili says solemnly, "but you will not be saying that when we manage to burn the house down."

"Alex," Lucy yells, "what the fuck did you do to my jacket?!"

Alex's only response is to throw a pillow at Lucy, who dodges it easily. She glares at Alex, who only burrows deeper into her blankets.

Reili pouts, under orders from Lucy, and she can see Alex's resolve chipping away. Lucy is sitting at the kitchen table smiling smugly, and Reili should probably feel bad about using her powers for evil like this but she doesn't.

"Fine," Alex whines, "Fine, I will make you two pancakes."

"You are an actual person that actually exists," Reili says, a little bit in awe, "I can't believe this."
Lucy grins, "I know right?"
"This," Mona says solemnly, "is the most epic day ever, you don't even know."
Christin coughs, "Guys, you have to let go or I can't breathe."

Hannah comes back, after a time, and the mansion welcomes her back with open arms. Her first night back, Lucy and Ramona sleep curled around Hannah, both clinging to her because they're afraid she might leave again if they let go. Closing her eyes, Hannah sleeps better than she has in a while.

It's an American Idol night, so about half of the mansion is somewhere in the media room with their eyes trained toward the TV. Lucy and Kathleen have taken the couch, lounging across it and snuggling together. During commercial breaks, they make-out until Reili throws pillows at their heads.

Alex/Mark Zuckerberg
As opposed as Alex is to social networking, even he can admit that Mark Zuckerberg is kind of a genius. Maybe not so much on the people skills, but definitely knows what he's doing and how to do it.

Even so, Alex isn't expecting to be incredibly, inexplicably attracted to Mark when he meets him.

Once upon a time, Madoka used to try and stop Homura when she would shoot at Kyubey. Now, she just presses her lips into a thin line and lets Homura do it, because Kyubey is an evil that must be stopped. He cannot be allowed to make contact with the little girl they only know as Bulletproof Heart.

Bacon held the bacon to Bacon's lips, and Bacon bit off a piece. He chewed sexily, and Bacon groaned.

There was no one sexier than Bacon.

Teoh/Jason Derulo
It's not like Teoh is expecting to bump into Jason Derulo while he's out and about, although Teoh's not sure anyone could expect what an encounter with Jason Derulo is like.

"I'm Jason Derulo."
"Yes," Teoh says, "I'm quite aware of that."
"Just making sure you know I'm Jason Derulo."

Charlie drops his head onto Teoh's shoulder. He can feel Ben's presence on Teoh's other side, and he smiles to himself because he managed to get Benjamin Cook to watch Jersey Shore.

Love really does conquer all.

Teoh is a mutual friend, which is probably not quite the word for what Teoh and Tom are, but it'll have to do because Teoh introduces Ben and Tom. He's going to wash his hands of it after that, because they're quite the cute couple, but Ben catches his wrist.

"Where're you going? Come, have a drink with us."

Christin hugs the loaf of bread to her chest and Reili sighs.

"You can't hug it so tightly," she chides, "You'll squish it and get crumbs all over yourself."

It's not like Christin hears her, though. No, instead she just hugs the bread, her one true love, and nibbles at the corner.

Seeing Nala again after so much time makes Simba forget what he's done and the reason why he's out in the jungle to begin with. She's grown beautiful in their time apart, and Simba can't help but notice the way his heart beats faster around her. She asks him to come back with her, though, and the fairytale is shattered because he can't go back.

Nala wouldn't understand.

Jason Derulo/Jason Derulo
Jason looks at the other guy, nearly as handsome as him and certainly as charming.

He smiles, "I'm Jason Derulo."

The figure mimics him and as hard as Jason tries not to be charmed, he is.

Sometimes it's hard to remember that Brian's only his friend and not anything more. They're so close and they're so protective of each other that it's easy to forget and slip into framing Brian's face with his hands, pulling him closer to fit their lips together. Brian never refuses, so it's always Michael who has to stop what they're doing, has to stop and remind Brian of their respective lives.

Reili/Mona/Lucy/Panda Express
Reili stares forlornly at the eggplant on her fork while they're sitting around eating Panda Express, because it's eggplant she can't eat that do you even know what eggplant is?

"I feel so bad," she says, "I can't eat this."
"If you're not going to eat it," Mona says, "Lucy and I will because: Panda Express! I ship me/Panda Express so hard you don't even know."

Lucy/Apple Juice
"Shhhhh," Lucy strokes the outside of the bottle lovingly, "it's okay, you're here with me now."

The apple juice beckons to her, amber liquid seeming to call her name, and Lucy twists the top off the bottle. Putting her lips around the mouth, she drinks in the sweet nectar and knows that this is her true love.

Tomdell Swilsom
Vondell links their hands, smiling at Tom, and thinks that this may be the best day he's had in quite a while. Vidcon in general is just really awesome, but being near Tom Milsom is probably the best part of all because Tom's just as amazing in person as he is on the internet.

He doesn't want Vidcon to end, wants this moment to stretch on forever, because Vondell knows that not being able to see Tom is going to hurt.

Tomdell Swilsom/Frezned
As a general rule, Vondell doesn't like Australia. It's never really done anything to him, he just doesn't like it, but he's reconsidering that position when Tom introduces Fezned.

"This is Frezned," Tom says, "he's from Australia."
"Cool," Vondell says, "it's nice to meet you, Fezned."

Running her fingers lightly over the wireless router, Perri smiles happily. She kisses the router gently and then returns to her laptop, booting it up to test if the router is working correctly. Holding her breath, Perri opens a new Firefox browser and lets it load. The page finishes loading, and Perri gives a sigh of relief-she doesn't know what she'd do without internet.

They're lying together on the bed, staring at the ceiling of their hotel room and just breathing. Alex shifts first, turning so that he can see Ed, and Ed shifts when he hears Alex shift.

"Thank you for tonight," Alex says softly.
Ed smiles, "Anytime."

The show is great, phenomenal really. Alex doesn't know how to explain it, just knows that when they're stumbling back to their room he frames Ed's face with his fingers and kisses him. Then, when he breaks away from Ed, he turns and does the same to Charlie.

"Thank you," Alex says, although he doesn't know what he's thanking them for, "Thank you so much."

When they're stuck in France-or, rather, Michael is stuck in France-Alex climbs into bed with him and hugs him close. It's probably a little gay, but Alex doesn't even care because it seems like Michael needs the hug.

They lie there like that, hugging each other, until the sun comes up.

They're like twins, people say, and Kyle ones glances over to Alex to give him a secret smile when it happens. That's not the truth, not quite, but no one would believe the truth anyway.

After all, who would believe that reflections could fall out of mirrors?

Sometimes, when Nadie and Ellis are laying in bed, moonlight streaming into whatever room, Nadie will pull Ellis close and try not to think about the way Ellis makes her feel. Ellis is usually baffled at those times, always asking if Nadie is okay.

"I'm fine," Nadie always says, "Let's get some sleep."

Eila is curved around Sanya, their fingers laced together and resting by Sanya's side. In the background, barely audible, is the chatter of the radio. Letting her eyes drift close, Eila smiles and knows that this is where she belongs.

Dan sits next to Tom on his piano bench, watching as Tom's fingers fly over the keys. He always likes watching Tom when he plays or when he's creating something, because Tom's process is just so interesting.

Though, Dan thinks, it's not quite as interesting as Tom himself.

Victor Frankenstein is drowning his sorrows in cheap beer and whiskey when he meets Henry Clerval. It's Henry who escorts him out of the bar, who takes him home and cleans him up. As much as Victor appreciates that, though, it cannot stave off the guilt that tears at him from deep within his soul.

This exists because of Vondell Swain. It doesn't follow the same rules as the rest of the post and I don't care.

Tom Milsom, thanks to a combination of his unnaturally blue hair and a specific combination of chords played in 5/18 time (which doesn't exist unless you're Tom Milsom) on a ukelele, could travel through time. Telling people this was pretty useless, given that this time travel worked in a similar manner to the Doctor travelling through time and Tom could choose to return to the exact moment he had left at, thereby rendering most demonstrations of his abilities useless. It did, however, mean that he could afford to travel back in time and visit Hitler whenever he choose to.

The first time he met up with Hitler, it had been an accident. He had be aiming for Britain and not Germany, but somehow he ended up in Germany and somehow he ended up in this kind of shitty cafe across from Hitler. The details are a little fuzzy, okay?

Hitler's not as bad as everyone says. He's got all these ideas and Tom actually agrees with some of them. Plus, Hitler knows all the places to get organic green-tea and soy lattes. And organic cashews.

Considering history or whatever, Tom's pretty sure that he shouldn't be involved with Hitler but he really can't help it. Hitler's pretty rad and Tom keeps traveling back in time to hang out with him. Tom likes his moustache and Hitler likes his hair, so the kissing part is kind of natural.

. . . Yeah, Tom Milsom is probably the first time traveller with a dictator boyfriend. You got a problem?

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

fandom: strike witches, person: justin bieber, !fic, fandom: the lion king, person: jason derulo, fandom: madoka, fandom: el cazador, fandom: #y_slash, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, fandom: irl rpf, fandom: frankenstein

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