[fanfiction] delicious and moist

Aug 04, 2011 04:15

365 Gay Sharks
Day 209, Word Count: 985
Theme: July; Celebrate
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Fandom/Pairings: RPF; Alicia Way/Felicia Day
Rating: R
Pre-Notes: I blame swiiftly for encouraging me when I was like "no writing felicia/alicia and calling it 'delicious and moist' is a bad idea why would you ever." Also jsyk Felicia kept tweeting while I was writing this so I kept freaking out. Worship for
kink_bingo, and also posted to the porn battle here.
Disclaimer: Please go away. ._.
Summary: Mostly they don't take advantage of the situation, but Alicia asks for this on exception and Mikey gives her this look that Alicia mentally translates to she's Felicia Day do you think I'm going to say no and says, in the same nonchalant voice he always uses, sure. So Alicia even has permission, but Felicia is still probably straight. Maybe.

delicious and moist
At first, it's just because their names rhyme and Alicia thinks that's funny so she tweets Felicia saying that they should be friends because of it. Felicia Day, Alicia Way. It's like a match made in heaven or something, and Alicia doesn't actually expect Felicia to take her up on the offer except Felicia does. The problem is that Felicia is really, really attractive and Alicia mostly just wants to kneel in front of her, kissing her way up the inside of Felicia's thighs and then pushing her panties aside to blow her mind.

Which, not to belittle Mikey or anything, would be fucking awesome if Felicia weren't probably straight. Alicia's of the opinion that everyone is probably at least a 1/5 on the Kinsey scale. Mikey's like. Mikey's at least a 2, Alicia thinks, given the whole Pete situation and his predisposition toward feeling up Frank even off-stage. Alicia's cool with that, it doesn't particularly bother her that he's so inclined because they're very open or whatever and if Mikey wants to sleep with someone, he's just got to ask because that rule goes both ways. Groupies are off limits, but that's Gerard's rule and not Alicia's.

Mostly they don't take advantage of the situation, but Alicia asks for this on exception and Mikey gives her this look that Alicia mentally translates to she's Felicia Day do you think I'm going to say no and says, in the same nonchalant voice he always uses, sure. So Alicia even has permission, but Felicia is still probably straight. Maybe.

There's really only one way to find out, besides creepily stalking her Facebook (which is out anyway because as far as Alicia can tell, she doesn't have one). Except Alicia doesn't really want to make things between them awkward since Felicia seems comfortable with her and really she's just being a big coward so one day when they're hanging out at Felicia's house, Alicia just goes for it.

"Hey," she says, looking down into her drink, "can I kiss you?"
Felicia looks up, startled, "I, um. I don't really. Are you. What about Michael?"
Alicia grins, "He's okay with it. Do you want me to call so you can talk to him?"
"No, that's, um. That's really quite alright. I just. Why do you want to kiss me?"

Which, kind of not the reaction that Alicia was hoping for, but she can work with it. Setting her drink down on the counter, Alicia turns to face Felicia fully.

"Because you're fucking gorgeous. Now, can I kiss you or not?"

Felicia nods, maybe a little shaky and unsure, but Alicia just presses Felicia against the counter and presses their lips together gently. There's split-second where it's awkward, and then Felicia sort of sighs into the kiss and Alicia is hooked. She could just stay like this forever, in Felicia's kitchen making out with one of the most amazing women she knows, but she has to break the kiss eventually and the Felicia is looking at her with wide eyes while Alicia is mostly getting flashes of her fantasies and she wants to act them out so badly, wants to sink to her knees and reduce Felicia to a sobbing mess, but that might be taking things a little far and Alicia still doesn't want to fuck anything up so she waits.

"Wow," Felicia says finally, "you're, um. Really good at that."
Alicia chuckles, leaning to whisper in Felicia's ear, "I'm good at other things too, you know."

The way they're pressed together, Alicia can feel the way that Felicia shivers. She presses a kiss to the side of Felicia's neck, slowly kissing her way down to the collar of Felicia's v-neck. Felicia's breathing is erratic and Alicia pulls back to look up at her. Her eyes are still wide, and Alicia tries to smile reassuringly, but it probably comes out a little feral.

"Alicia . . ."
"Do you want me to stop? Just say," Alicia places a hand on Felicia's hip, "and I'll stop. Cross my heart."
"Don't stop. Please."

That's pretty much all the encouragement that Alicia needs to sink to her knees and kiss her way up Felicia's thigh. She can smell Felica, can feel the way tremors are running through her, as she makes her way upward, head slipping under Felicia's skirt.

The first touch of her tongue to the fabric of Felicia's panties draws a strangled moan out of Felicia, which is exactly what Alicia wants. She gives a few more licks over the cloth before pushing it aside to properly go down on Felicia. Alicia's free hand curves over Felicia's hip as she gives the first lick over Felicia's cunt, curling a little tighter when Felicia shakes. Alicia maybe moans a little too, because it's been a while since she went down on a girl and she'd forgotten how girls taste different, how going down on them is so much messier and fine-tuned.

Alicia has to catalog every noise and reaction Felicia makes and apply that to what she's doing, lavish attention on the correct places and point her tongue just so in order to make Felicia fall apart. When she does, making Felicia's hips work aimlessly against Alicia's tongue, Alicia pulls away and stands, being careful to not get caught in Felicia's skirts.

Her face is wet, shining, and she notes that Felicia's gripping the edge of the counter tightly, knuckles white. Alicia presses against Felicia again, hands finding Felicia's hips, and kisses her with the same gentleness. Felicia licks her way into Alicia's mouth this time, probably tasting herself, and Alicia moans. There is no other response to such a thing happening.

When they finally stop, however much longer later, Alicia touches their foreheads together and just smiles at Felicia. Felicia smiles back, and Alicia thinks that this might not be just a one-time thing. She hopes it isn't, anyway.

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

person: felicia day, * kink bingo, !fic, # paprika, * porn battle, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, band: my chemical romance, # salsa, pairing: alicia/felicia, # allspice, blame: swiiftly

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