
May 16, 2011 18:45

365 Gay Sharks
Day 129, Word Count: 422
Theme: May; Chain Reactions
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Grab your noisemakers and red plastic cups, because we're having a party.

Par-tay! Par-tay!Huh? What's that ( Read more... )

!meme, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, !random holiday post

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(no need to) medicate perfection | R, 464 kisforkurama May 19 2011, 09:04:59 UTC
When Mikey first gets off the pills, Gerard is there to shush him and run a hand through his hair and hold him through the withdrawal shakes. Then, when Frank decides to quit the pills too, both Mikey and Gerard are there to help him through it. Mikey wraps skinny arms around Frank and rocks him slightly while Gerard sings him slightly scratchy lullabies, quiet so no one arrests them. Sometimes, Frank with lie between them and he thinks that maybe this is one of the things that BL/ind was trying to take away from them.

Ray shares his sentiments, Frank finds when they're helping Ray through his withdrawals and they're lying next to each other with Gerard and Mikey's fingers laced over their hips. Ray presses his lips to Frank's tentatively, likes he's not sure if he's allowed to, and Frank curls a hand around the back of Ray's neck and kisses him fiercely.

"Hey," Gerard whispers into Frank's ear, "It's not very nice to hoard something. Sharing is caring."

Frank pulls away from Ray to turn and crush his lips with Gerard's. He's distantly aware of Ray doing the same with Mikey, and he thinks that yeah. BL/ind is trying to keep this from people. They're trying to keep love and passion out of people's hearts, so they'll follow blindly, like sheep to slaughter.

He's not sure the exact order of the events after that, only remembers a smattering of events. There's Mikey, tangling his fingers with Gerard before he takes Ray into his mouth. There's Gerard, fingers cupping the back of Frank's head gently as they kiss until there's no more air. There's Ray, long fingers curled around Frank, his head turned to Gerard and kissing him. There's the way Mikey feels in Frank's mouth, warm and heavy. There's the way that Gerard throws his head back and Mikey sucks a bruise onto his neck.

There's the way that Frank knows they'll never be able to go back to anything else after this. There's the way he can see that the rest of them know that's the case too. There's the silent, unspoken agreement that they're going to leave as soon as they can get everything together.

That's just fine with Frank, though, if it means that he can keep the love and passion and the music. If he can keep Ray and Gerard and Mikey. If he can keep the way the sun looks brighter the next morning. If he can keep everything look and laughter.

And when Gerard says we have to fight this you know, Frank thinks yeah and knows that if he can entire assure that one person gets to feel the intense and overwhelming feelings that he does then of fucking course they do.


Re: (no need to) medicate perfection | R, 464 teh_slush May 19 2011, 11:42:32 UTC
aaaaa boyssssss

I'm not awake right now so my brain's not going to give a proper response but yessssss


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