
May 16, 2011 18:45

365 Gay Sharks
Day 129, Word Count: 422
Theme: May; Chain Reactions
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Grab your noisemakers and red plastic cups, because we're having a party.

Par-tay! Par-tay!Huh? What's that ( Read more... )

!meme, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, !random holiday post

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It's a Compliment | pg, 435 words kisforkurama May 17 2011, 06:52:18 UTC
"It isn't like I joined a death cult, Hiei."

Hiei glanced over at Kurama and then pointedly looks at the wall. Glee Club. The very name is indicative of the low-level scum that probably populate it. Kurama sighs heavily, because it isn't like Hiei is going to budge on the matter, and shoulders his bookbag again.

"You know the meeting room, if you ever feel the need to stop by."


"Hello," Kurama bows his head slightly toward the room at large, "I'm Shuichi Minamoto and I'm excited to be here."
"Shuichi will be our replacement for Kurt," Mr. Shuester claps him on the shoulder, "and I'm sure he'll be a perfect fit. Why don't you go sit next to Sam, Shuichi? Sam, raise your hand."

A kid with a rather messy mop of blond hair and bright, sparkling blue eyes raised his hand, and Kurama quickly sat down next to him. The guy smiled and held out his hand.

"I'm Sam Evans, former new kid."
Kurama shook his hand, "Pleased to meet you."


As it turned out, Sam knew Yusuke and Kuwabara from the football team. They were friends, in the same way that Kurama was friends with Tina and Mike largely because they went to the same Asian groups. All in all, Sam was a pretty decent guy and Kurama liked being in his company. Hiei, however, had other opinions.

"I don't like him. There's something wrong with him."
"Oh be nice, Hiei. There is nothing wrong with Sam."

Stubborn as always, though, Hiei refused to reconsider his opinions. Kurama figured that it was, as usual, something that would pass with time. Hiei generally tended to dislike people upon meeting them.


Sam started hanging out with Kurama about two weeks into first meeting him. Hiei generally ignored him, only acknowledging Sam when he directly asked a question. Over a couple of weeks, though, Hiei warmed up as he found Sam to be a slightly less brash version of Yusuke. He didn't say that to Sam directly, though.

"You aren't that bad."
Sam blinked, brow furrowed in confusion, "Uh, thanks? I think that's a compliment."
Kurama laughs, "Coming from Hiei? Yes. It's very much a compliment."


In the grand scheme of things, joining Glee Club doesn't destroy his reputation or cause him undue stress. It doesn't even take that long for Hiei to accept that Kurama is not going to quit, merely because he finds most of the people in the club vapid and annoying. And, in the end, it's worth it if only because he gains Sam as a friend.


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