[fanfiction] #tweetfic and technical exercises

Dec 16, 2010 14:07

For archival purposes, and also in case you don't follow 25centsto for whatever reason. There's also some technical exercises, which basically means stuff I did as homework that happened to be fanfiction because I'm a lazy bum and it's not like my teacher got it anyway. They're super structured and weird, but eh.

Failboats | Bandom | Brendon/Spencer
Brendon's at the piano, back straight, and Spencer almost forgets to play his part. It distracting to have Brendon, like that, in his sight.

Brendon's fingernail's bite into his shoulders as Spencer fucks him, tiny points of pain that'll probably be angry red marks in the morning.

Cabinverse | Bandom | Pete/Spencer
Pete flies to the cabin and finds Spencer first, wrapping him up into a tight hug. "Spencersmith, you're not going to kill Ryan are you?"

Post-Split | Bandom | Ryan/Jon
Ryan wakes up with Jon wrapped around him, and all he can think of is how much colder it is with only two people. He misses that fiercely.

perfect 'verse | Bandom | Panic GSF
Spencer to Ryan to Brendon to Jon. They make a perfect, unbroken circle, the points between each equidistant and insignificant.

Spencer wakes up in a bed surrounded by limbs and boy, the taste of someone on his tongue. /It must be a Tuesday,/ he thinks as he yawns.

Runaways+Panic crossover | Bandom/Runaways | Cherie, Brendon
Cherie calls Brendon early in the morning, crying. "I can't. I can't do this anymore, Brendon." "Shh," he says, "don't freak on me, Cherie."

Glitter Gang | Bandom | None
Every gang has their specialty. The Killjoys specialize in weapons and power, but the Glitter Gang specializes in alcohol. Lots and lots it

Ginny is Terrible | Bandom | Ricky Rebel/Mikeyway
Ricky is leaning against the wall when Mikey walks up next to him. "Hey," Mikey says. "Hey," Ricky says back, "wanna fuck?" Mikey smirks.

Unicorns | Bandom | Mikey
And Mikey rode into the sunset on the unicorn. THE END.

Garden Variety Incest | Bandom | Mikey/Gerard
Kissing Mikey should have felt wrong, but instead it felt like coming home. Mikey's sharpness against Gee's softness, like black and white.

Hair Dye | Killjoys | Frank/Gerard
Frank's fascinated by it, the way the dye smears across Gerard's skin and stains the otherwise unblemished expanse brilliant, brilliant red.

Korsetorture | Killjoys | Korse/Gerard
Korse runs a hand along Gerard's cheek and it would be almost be tender, if he weren't simultaneously pressing a taser to Gerard's stomach.

"Tell me where they are," Korse whispers into Gerard's ear, "and I'll put the taser away." "I would tell you even if I knew," Gerard spits.

"Pity," Korse says as he pulls away, "but I suppose it can't be helped." There's a flipped switch, and then electricity runs through Gerard

It's intense and unbearably painful. Gerard cries out, his voice echoing in the room they've been keeping him in, and Korse doesn't move.

Filthiest Little Princess | Bandom | Frank/Gerard(/Lyn-Z)
Gerard confesses that the hair-brushing spell isn't that effective. Frank thinks that explains the state of Gerard's hair most of the time.

Girls Only | Bandom | Bronx, Bandit
"Go to hell, Bronx," Bandit snaps, "you can't join our /all-girl/ rock band because you're not a /girl/. Get over it and leave me alone!"

invisible best friend Patrick | Bandom | Patrick/Pete
Patrick wraps his arms around Pete and rest his head on Pete's shoulder. "Don't stop believing I'm real. I am, as long as you believe it."

Timelords | Bandom | Pete/Patrick
"Pete," Patrick blinks, "why are all the girls here wearing plastic wrap and cotton candy?" "Oh, this must be the deranged Candyland."

"Seriously, Pete? Seriously? Do you just pick the most hallucinatory videos to land us in?" "Not on purpose usually. Sometimes. Maybe. Yes."

LXD AU | Bandom | Mikey, Gerard, Lyn-Z, Pete, William
Gerard wants to save the world, and Mikey thinks it's stupid to think dance can do that but she smiles at him and grabs the camera anyway.

"Gee?" It's soft and hesitant, Mikey hovering at the doorway. Gerard pats the space next to him, and she sits. "Superheroing is hard."

Lyn-Z is a little bit uncertain how she ended up at the dance equivalent of Hogwarts with a pair of magical sneakers, but well. She is.

People tell Pete that his wife is gorgeous, that he's lucky, but Pete never feels lucky. He misses hats and tap and low, secret whispers.

Mikey holds out the fixed tap shoes, hoping William isn't too mad they took them without asking. William blinks, confused, before he smiles.

Mikey's in her dorm room, curled up on her bed, and she feels the bed dip slightly. Expecting Gerard, she looks up. It's Ray. "Hi," he says.

"I thought you were Gerard," she says. Ray smiles, "Nope, Gerard sent me, though. He says you need to eat.""Okay," Mikey says, uncurling.

Capetown Adventures | Bandom | Gerard/Ryan, Gerard/Bob
Ryan leaves without warning and without explanation and Gerard knew it was going to happen because Ryan's a drifter, but it still hurts.

Their fingers are tangled together, and Ryan thinks that maybe he'll try and stay for more than a couple months in this town. For the food.

Ryan woke up disoriented and in a bed he didn't recognize next to a kind of greasy guy he also didn't recognize. He went back to sleep.

"Hi," Gerard says, fingers pressed against the bulletproof glass, "would you be mad if I accidentally started dating someone? He's nice?"
Bob presses his hand up to the glass too, over Gerard's, "No. I trust your judgement, Gerard, if you think it's okay then it's okay."

Stupid Hogwarts AU | Bandom |
Brendon is curled up against the side of the unicorn, fast asleep, and the unicorn looks up. Mikey smiles at it, and the unicorn nods.

The first couple of months Ryan just hovers at the doorway, watching them, until Paul finally laughs. "You can come in and talk to us, boy."

Sometimes a student will stop and stare at Brendon for a moment, blinking. "Why are you wearing a Slytherin uniform?" "I'm in Slytherin."

Pete hangs out in the halls and is generally creepy until Patrick pokes his head out of his classroom and tells him to get back to work.

In Pete's first year as headmaster there are fourteen flying accidents, four runaway students, and three separate explosions. Patrick sighs.

Mikey has two people curled around him like snakes, speaking in a tongue he can't understand, and he can't think of anywhere he'd rather be.

Brent runs away with the mermaid sometime during their second or third year at Hogwarts and it's a little bit unexpected, but not really.

Everyone knows about William Beckett and his long skinny legs. They also know he's banging the potions professor, no matter what he says.

"Unicorns," Brendon makes jazz hands, "there's unicorns in the forest, Spencersmith! They're so pretty, you wouldn't believe how pretty."

Ke$ha the Hipster Love Fairy au | Bandom | Gabe/William, Pete/Patrick, Ke$ha, Adam
Ke$ha slides into the seat next to William. "You have the biggest hard-on for the lead singer of Midtown. Just suck his cock already, jeez."

"Adaaaaaam," Ke$ha drops onto his lap a presses a kiss to his cheek, "how's my favorite sex fairy?" "I was good, until I got girlcooties."

"Patrick," Ke$ha sighs, "oh Patrick. What am I ever going to do with your sorry hipster ass? Oh! I know, I'll just hand you over to Ryan."

Patrick watches the Black Cards set from a safe distance, admiring Pete and sighing wistfully. Ke$ha shakes her head and rolls her eyes

Pornmas-related | Bandom | William/mirror!William, Gabe/Gerard
"You have a secret twin. It is way too early to be dealing with this." "Not really," William says, "he's more of a reflection than a twin."

William's reflection tangles their fingers together, smiling at Mike. Mike sighs. "I need more coffee to deal with you two, honestly."

Gabe and Gerard do not actually have a thing, no matter what Mikey thinks. Except for how maybe it is a thing. Maybe it's a sexy wax thing.

16c!verse | Bandom | permutations of Beckett/Urie/Carden
Mike smirks at Brendon, lips stained red with his blood. "You taste like him." "And now you'll taste like me," Brendon laughs, "Michael."

William wraps his fingers around Mike's neck, loose, "I could crush it, you know." The corner of Mike's mouth quirks up, "But you won't."

Sometimes William runs his fingers through Brendon's hair before pulling and crushing their mouths together with force that draws blood.

Michael licks it away afterward, or William might, and Brendon smiles at that, loving the fact that they will taste like him afterward.

Random #y_slash | Youtube Slash | Alex/Charlie, Alex/Tom
It seems more intimate than their flat and Alex can hear Charlie's breathing, somehow incredibly loud in the sudden quiet of the room.

And it's like this, between sheets and pressed close enough to hear Ben's heartbeat, that only the music is left in Tom.

"This is insane," Ben says, "he has evil exes. I have to defeat them in order to date him. What ever happened to scary dads with shotguns?"

There is a possibility for anything when Tom Milsom is involved, Alex knows, because loving Tom is a little like loving the East Wind.

Tom kisses back, his hand pressing them closer. Like this, under the light filtering down from the surface, Alex thinks Tom looks beautiful.

Alex loves the way Charlie reacts when he touches his tail, loves the way Charlie will clutch at his shoulders and gasp, mouth parted.

Charlie's tail was purple with a green tinge, Ed's black with silver, Alex's blue with gold, and Tom's blue with a hint of the rainbow.

Boat and Bird | Original | None
There was a boat. None one was on it. The bird swooped down and landed on the boat. It fell asleep. It was cold on the boat, you know.

One day, the bird wasn't there. The birds above looked down. Another bird landed. I don't know if they understand the boat is falling apart.

There never was a bird. The boat was just driftwood. Driftwood covered in thick, briny kelp.

If there was a bird it would be constantly falling. I don't think the bird would mind, it doesn't know cold. It's frozen in a time loop.

The ocean is filled with dead birds, you just need to know to look for them. They fall in once it stops being cold. Once the boat is real.

Or maybe they fall in once you decide that they fall in. Maybe you have an impact on thousands of birds, flying in circles above a boat.

Scary thought, isn't it?

Original Nonsense | Original | Girl/Guy
She sighs. Tells him: "Celibacy and asexuality aren't the same thing." But sometimes it feels like they are, and she hates that.

She blinked. "You're a zombie." He sighed, and attempted to reattach his arm. "I prefer 'reanimated dead,' but yes. I qualify as a zombie."

Then it's sleep and somnolence, but you wake up eventually and you're hungover and nothing seems like a good idea the next morning.

Once someone can justify contorting yourself, putting on an act for the world, you'll do it.

You'll care about sex, you'll be the very model of a female individual, you'll pine for the same picket fence and kids as every other girl.

Reili's Life | Life | Reili
It's possible that Tom Milsom had very little to do with pushing her to 50K, but hearing him sing "Justin Bieber" helped at least a little.

I want to be a Christmas tree on a December night. I'd stand perfectly still in your living room and you would wrap me in colorful lights.

Her #firstkiss was a failure. She turned her head and he kissed her cheek, but then they got a proper kiss in. It wasn't good or memorable.

It is 1:30am on the Sunday before finals and she has more homework than she wants to think about. She texts her friend: kill me now plz?

There are less than thirty minutes left before her exam and instead of studying or doing anything else productive? She's on twitter.

Candied Ocean 'verse | Atlantis/Bandom | Myde/Milo
Milo whispers odes in every language he knows to Myde while they lie on the bed, because they're the only way he knows to express his love.

girl!Sherlock | BBC!Sherlock | Sherlock/John
Sherlock Holmes, John thinks, is quite possibly the strangest girl he's ever met. He's not sure if that's a good thing either, to be honest.

diamond dotted
10 words by 10 words = 100 words of "tile" + 10 words of "dot"
They're a family, is the thing, and Party Poison doesn't know what he'd do without the absolute knowledge that he has people backing him up and there are people who will fight for him-people who are willing to ghost as many people as it takes to keep him safe-and people that will fight with him. He doesn't know what he'd do without the little girl's wide eyes and slightly off-kilter smile to keep him going when he feels like giving up. When it feels like the radiation is finally getting to him. When it feels like any resistance is futile.

"Hey, Party Poison. We're ready to go, if you're milkshake."

Party Poison looks up to see Kobra Kid, who is actually his family and always has been, standing a foot or so away with the permanent, bored expression on his face. It's a facade, but they all have their facades-Fun Ghoul hides behind the mask he wears, Party Poison hides behind his fire engine red hair, Jet Star hides behind his helmet. Kobra Kid hides behind his boredom, so a repeat of the things they left behind doesn't happen. So they don't start caring too much and their hearts aren't cruelly ripped from them while they're still breathing. Still fighting.

"Let's go ghost some Dracs and get our motorbaby back."

Still loving. Korse has their motorbaby and they're not dead enough inside that they'll give her up without a fight. They're the Killjoys, wanted for so many things, thought to be heartless by so many people, but they have a little girl and fuck if Party Poison hasn't learned that being a parental figures changes everything. He holsters his ray gun and gives a nod to Kobra Kid, whose lips turn up in the slightest smile. They climb into the TransAm and then the whole family is rushing down the road, wind whipping their hair, rushing to save their motorbaby.

parallel parking
6 sets of 2 tiles = 6 couplets

look alive, sunshine,
you're on the front line.

and nothing's really milkshake
in this barren, deserted wake.

art is the weapon
and it's the TransAm, get in.

the aftermath is secondary,
and living is necessary-

so hold out, motorbaby,
I know the tomorrow's hazy.

but the future is bulletproof,
so get out there and hoof.

four square
10 words x 4 sentences = 40 words

"My name isn't Party Poison," Gerard cries out between shocks. The taser hovers, and Gerard thinks he looks like Voldemort. Gerard laughs at that, because pain is the other option. Fifty thousand volts run through him and it doesn't matter.

"Stop calling me Gerard," Party Poison snaps at the guy. He's figured that he isn't in his own world now. He knows that these people are trying to help him. He wants to see the motorbaby and know she's okay.

"I'll make you remember yourself," Voldemort whispers in Gerard's ear. Gerard doesn't know what there is for him to remember. He remembers Mikey and Ray and Frank and his family. He doesn't remember Killjoys and Dracs and underground radio broadcasts.

"Are you okay?" the guy asks him carefully, eyes worried. Party Poison isn't okay really, not by a long shot. He takes a deep breath and wishes for Fun Ghoul. When he opens his eyes again, he's still somewhere unfamiliar.

Sullivan's Spinal Protrusions
10 sentences @ 10 words - 1 word every sentence = dilation paragraph.
Tom's tail is blue with scales that are actually rainbows. Alex doesn't notice until he really looks at Tom. It's fitting how his tail is mysterious too. Everything about Tom is mysterious to Alex. It makes Alex curious, too curious. Tom doesn't mind at all. He lets Alex look. Lets Alex touch. Tom smiles. Beauty.

Picket Fence
10 sentences, all connected by conjunctions.
Alex doesn't know how to choose, and it's becoming a problem, because he cannot, will not, choose between Tom and Charlie, yet it feels like an obligation to them, for leading them on is a cruelty of the highest order, and it's unfair to both of them, this awkward triangle they've become, so Alex tries to decide, if only for them, because they don't deserve to be treated this way, and he almost decides, almost chooses between them, but then Ed comes along and everything falls to pieces.

Door Designs
3 paragraphs, 100 words each = door design 1
Alex runs his hands along Tom's tail, the scales smooth under his fingers. They float, rocked by the gentle waves of the ocean and hidden in a patch of seaweed. At some point, someone is going to come looking for them, but for the moment they're alone. Tom's hand fits into the small of Alex's back perfectly, and he tangles their fins together. Alex smiles up at Tom and shifts to kiss him. Tom kisses back, his hand pressing them closer together. Like this, under the soft light filtering down from the surface, Alex thinks Tom looks his most beautiful.

It's different with Charlie, all tangled fingers and touched noses. Sometimes, on rare and precious occasions, Charlie will press a shy kiss to Alex's lips and it's so sweet that Alex always smiles when Charlie pulls away. He'll bumps tails with Charlie and Charlie will shudder. His tail is more sensitive than Tom's, and that's the thing Alex loves most about him. He loves the way Charlie reacts when he brushes a hand over his tail, loves the way Charlie will clutch at his shoulders and gasp, loves the way Charlie will flush, mouth parted. It's addicting in the worst way.

And then there's Ed. Ed, with his urchin-spine piercing and his brilliant smile and his everything, really. Alex likes how Ed will whisper jokes and observations into the shell of Alex's ear, funny things that make Alex marvel. Ed is somewhere between Charlie and Tom, a little wild while still being a little shy somehow, but always Ed. Alex will wrap his arms around Ed's neck and hold him close, letting the ocean rock them, and Ed will hum pretty, wordless songs to him. How, Alex thinks, is he supposed to choose between people he loves for such different reasons?

2(100 words + 50 words + 50 words) = door pattern 2
And it's like that, four of them connected somehow, and Alex doesn't have to choose. He doesn't have to pick who he likes best, because the others are suddenly having the same problem. Ed is torn between Alex and Tom, Charlie is torn between Ed and Alex, Tom is torn between Charlie and Alex. They're all torn between each other, and isn't that strange? Isn't the way that they're all so full love of love weird? Not to them, really, because it feels like what they've been missing. They've been missing the feeling of anonymous hands and eight-armed octopus hugs.

It's like clownfish and anemones, a symbiotic relationship that's beneficial. Without one, the other three are incomplete and there's something missing-a emptiness in their hearts that can't be filled. Alex links one hand with Charlie, one with Ed, his tail around Tom's, and this is where he wants to be.

The sun dances across them, catching on Tom's scales and casting rainbows over everything. It's appropriate, Alex thinks as he watches the rainbows dancing over their tails. Charlie catches his eye and smiles, letting his tail brush over Alex's briefly, and Alex smiles back, tightening his grip on Charlie's hand.

They make an interesting sight, the four of them together. Charlie's tail bring purple with the faintest green tinge, Ed's black with a silver glint, Alex's blue with a dash of gold, and Tom's: blue with a hint of the rainbow. Sometimes, in low moments, Alex thinks that maybe their tails are proof that they're not meant to be together, but then Ed will smile at him or Tom will brush a hand through his hair or Charlie will hug him and Alex reminds himself that no. No, they're perfect for each other. There is no other answer but that.

There is nothing that Alex wants more than four tails tangled together, eight arms linked, reflected rainbows dancing over his skin. He wants laughter-filled jam sessions and stolen kisses in seaweed patches, shyly offered oysters and trinkets. He wants Charlie's laughter and Ed's voice and Tom's smile. He wants everything.

Everything is not out of his reach, either. Everything is right there in front of him, just waiting for him to join in, and the thought overwhelms Alex. Between the four of them there's so so so much love that's it's exciting. Every day is a new adventure with them.

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

fandom: doctor who, this is not akuroku, * ridiculous misuse of twitter, verse: capetown adventures, !fic, person: ricky rebel, verse: filthiest little princess, band: panic! at the disco, band: the academy is..., verse: 16c, fandom: kingdom hearts, warning: copious amounts of gay, band: my chemical romance, band: 3oh!3, fandom: harry potter, fandom: the runaways, band: the young veins, * pornmas, verse: killjoys, fandom: atlantis, fandom: sherlock (bbc), !fiction, person: ke$ha, band: fall out boy, band: cobra starship, blame: james joyce, fandom: #y_slash, verse: hipster love fairy

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