[fanfiction] Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?

Nov 08, 2010 18:24

Fandom/Pairings: Sesame Street/RPF; Gen. IT'S SESAME STREET.
Rating: PG it's Sesame Street guys
Pre-Notes: I don't even. Written for
fic_promptly here.
Disclaimer: No. Just no. I would have been fired.
Summary: Five people that will never be invited to Sesame Street and one who should stay forever and ever.


Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?

5. Kanye West

“Elmo would like to thank all the monsters-“
“Yo Elmo,” Kanye interrupted, “I'mma let you finish, but the Cookie Monster is the greatest monster of all time!”

The stunned silence from the monsters in attendance at the Monster Awards was all-encompassing and rather awkward. The Cookie Monster didn't even acknowledge Kanye, instead opting to eat the cookies he had brought with him as a snack.

4. Gerard Way

“Hey Gerard,” Big Bird said cheerfully, “what's going on?”
“Oh,” Gerard sighed, “I'm just sad because my umbrella is broken.”
“It's a beautiful, sunny day out! Why do you need an umbrella?”
“The umbrella isn't for rain,” Gerard explained, gesticulating wildly, “it's for use in case of self-defense or in case I need to get away quickly.”
Big Bird tilted his head, “Who would you need to get away from?”
“Batman,” Gerard replied, “duh.”

There was a awkward silence after that as everyone tried to determine if that made Gerard the Penguin or if he just happened to like umbrellas.

3. Adam Lambert

Ernie waved to Adam, “Hi Adam!”
“Hi Ernie!” Adam gave a wave back, “How are things going with Bert?”
“Oh, they're going just swell! We haven't fought in a week.”
“Wow,” Adam gave Ernie a smile, “It must be those tango lessons you've been taking.”
Ernie laughed, “Well, Bert and I are enjoying the tango!”

Adam gave a laugh too, and then asked Ernie if he liked leading or following more. This resulted in stammering and instance that both he and Bert danced with female monster when they took lessons. Adam apologized, of course, but Bert was never quite the same after that.

4. Ke$ha

“Oscar,” Ke$ha pleaded, “why don't you ever want to talk to me? C'mon. All I want to do is talk!”
“Don't bang on my can,” Oscar grumbled, “go away!”
“I can't take rejection,” Ke$ha clung to the trashcan, “you have a cellphone! Why don't you call?”
“It weighs 7 pounds,” Oscar grumped, “it's an old one Jim Henson threw away.”

Ke$ha lamented that Oscar didn't like her-singing a song about it while Oscar complained in the background. No one told her that Oscar was like that with everyone.

1. Katy Perry

“Elmo,” Katy said, “don't you wanna play?”
Elmo laughed, “Oh, Elmo is playing, Katy! Elmo's playing tag-tag, you're it.”
Katy sighed, “Not again!”

Elmo dashed off and Katy had to chase him. All she wanted to do was play dress-up . . .

0. Mr. Rogers

Mr. Rogers smiled, “Hi neighbor!”

Everyone waved and said hello back-including Oscar. Mr. Rogers held up the flashlight he was holding.

“I have a great idea,” he continued, “for something we could do today. Let's make a homemade rainbow.”
Postit-Notes: I've crossed some sort of awful childhood boundary with this, huh?

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

i'mma let you finish but, person: adam lambert, blame: anyone but me, !fic, reili: childhood ruiner, person: ke$ha, # soapsuds, band: my chemical romance, reili: look at your life choices, fandom: american idol

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