[picspam] writing on the body

Oct 26, 2010 00:17

I love fonts.

I don't get to talk about it much to most people, because no one wants to hear about how my favorite part of the Cheater of the Year lyric video isn't the song or the visuals or Evan. It's the fucking fonts. Same with Evan Taubenfeld's Boy Meets Girl lyric video. Or the Pumpkin Pie one. Even Hey Monday's Hangover. That's not always the case, though, I like the song more in The Ready Set's Love Like Woe. Same with the My Chemical Romance's Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na).

The point isn't that I like lyric videos way more than I should. It's seriously not. The point is that, probably thanks to a combination of being asexual and an intense love for fonts, writing on the body is seriously my failproof kink. And, if we haven't figured out by now that writing on the body is seriously, like, my one true kink? Then maybe this picspam will prove it.

Actually let's start with a video:

image Click to view

I . . . Had words and then I watched the video again and I forgot them. Instead, let me give you still shots of the same girl:

Her name is Gemma O'Brien (also known as Mrs. Eaves) and she did the same type of performance art again in Brazil for the TYPO Berlin 2009 conference. There's video of that too:

image Click to view

And here's the thing: Gemma is gorgeous, but that's not what I find sexy about it. No, the thing that I find sexy about it is the type itself and the act of doing it.

The curves of letter, the amount of ascenders and descenders, the width and weight . . . These are all things that appeal to me. I like fonts because I like words and I like the way text looks on a page-what different words have on the effect and impact of a piece.

We talk about that a lot in writing classes, the importance of diction and the visceral feeling of just looking at text-not even reading it, just looking at it. I think that's the core of why I like this kink.

It's about looking, not necessarily reading. The sensation of the thing versus the finish product. The intimacy implicit in allowing someone to write things you may not be able to see onto you. It doesn't even have to be about words at all, really. It could just be drawings:

And it could have meaning. Whether it be personal meaning, like Gaara from Naruto:

Where the writing here was chosen to represent something, namely that no one loves Gaara and that he is a demon that loves only himself. Or the meaning could be completely arbitrary:

Because really? Gazelles? Anyway, you don't really care about the commentary. You just want pretty pictures of people with writing all over them. I can do that-especially if I get to sneak in some Zorin.

Again, totally arbitrary meaning. You'll see the design on her shift and change from picture to picture.

I think that Hirano was just too lazy to try and make her design the same from panel to panel (it would take forever, jeez).

But it's still a really amazing character design, regardless. The text is just another design element here, it doesn't even form words in some cases.

Also I just really, really like Zorin as a character. She's so badass that I can't even properly transition into anyone else so I'm just going to put a random picture I found with writing on the body next.

And now I can talk about Bar Refaeli and the July 2009 cover of Esquire.

I'm kind of in love with this cover. It's funny, because while there was a minor outrage about it, I didn't really register the fact that she was naked so much as the fact that she was basically a living book. I think that's really cool.

Of course, it helps that Bar Refaeli is hot. Because, once you've done all that writing on someone, then what do you do?

Why, smear it of course! It looks way more obscene like that, all smeared and mostly illegible. Speaking of magazine covers, a girl by the name of Ella Rose posed in a similar way for a magazine called Stab. WARNING: Girl's sixteen. If this irks you, scroll past the next two pictures.

Again, I don't really have a problem with this because I feel like if the girl okayed it then you know what? She's 16, she can make her own choices, just like Miley Cyrus. But I'm also looking more at the words than her, so that's got something to do with it.

She's pretty, but I think the text is really a lot more interesting, to be honest. Girls with text on them are just hot in general. Case in point:

Was I looking for an excuse to post some Lyn-Z pictures? Of course I was.

You can't tell me that you don't like looking at this gorgeous babe. Okay, fine. Smooth transition into Lyn-Z's husband-Gerard Way! Gerard has a very important message for you:

I know I already posted a picture of Gerard, but I have more! There is never a bad time to post pictures of Gerard.

You can't even read the whole word here, but something about this picture tends to make me ignore everything but the writing. Maybe I have a thing for necks or something.

Yeah, possibly just a thing for necks. And maybe hands.

Hi Frank's hands. Where did you come from?

Oh look! Another Gemma picture. Must have forgotten about it. You know what hands are connected to, though? Wrists. And you know whose wrists have writing on them? Ryan fucking Ross.

. . . That will never stop being funny. Anyway, here. Have one last picture for the road:

Okay. Now that you've looked at these pictures, go write about writing on the body. Or spam my comments with more delicious pictures of this kink-you can never have too many.

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comments. :D

!picspam/primer, fandom: naruto, band: my chemical romance

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