Taking the Good with the Bad

Mar 12, 2009 19:00

So I just had a thought a moment ago, concerning online vs. real life personas.

The majority of you haven't met me in real life. Aside from my real life friends, I've met maybe two or three of you in person, and it's generally by accident rather than because I went out of my way to make it happen. So all you know about me is what you see here.

I am extremely honest with my emotions. On this journal, as well as in real life. If I feel a certain way, you can generally tell right away, either by my tone of voice or my facial expression, or I'll just tell you. I'm not good at hiding my emotions, and the more stressed I am, the less I'm able to do it. I am sometimes too honest about how I feel, and I tend to give TMI about a lot of stuff.

I post here when I feel strongly about something. Whatever those feelings are, whatever I'm feeling them about, it changes constantly, but this journal is my release valve. I can rant about injustice, I can gush about cool stuff, I can release the pressure of smiling and asking people how they are all day long.

The thing is, most of the things I post about are simply in the heat of that moment. Sure, I post fairly often about feeling lonely and wishing I had a significant other. That's because I feel that way fairly often. But I don't feel like that every second of every day. I don't even feel like that 75% of the time. More like 45%, on the outside. It isn't a constant thing. It comes and goes, and I generally only feel it strongly when I have people posting on my friends list about their relationships or something along those lines.

I know this is probably common sense to some people, but I wanted to say it, just in case. Generally, when my life is merely okay, and nothing has happened to me, I won't make any "so here was my day" posts. In that way, I suppose no news is good news. ;D

Just FYI, if you ever do get a chance to meet me, I am 6 feet tall (or 182 cm). Yes, that is taller than you think it is. I'm not some magic 6 feet tall that is actually some normal height for a girl, I am the same 6 feet tall as your 6 foot tall boyfriend. And my feet are probably bigger than his. So please, don't say "wow, you're tall!" or something similar. I am aware of it. It's annoying to be reminded that the majority of the world regards me as a freak of nature.

Also, my feet really hurt.
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