Stay in campus unti 7.30 pm!!! (Gath NEWS fans)

Nov 14, 2007 18:49

Argh, because of the task of course that is RPLT... We must stay in campus until 7.30 pm!!!
Yeah but it's OK because there are so much people in Lab... And of course it's so mess but FUN!!!

This course makes me dizzy...-_-
Ahhh I will update this post later... I'm so confused now XD!!!

I will post my photos in gathering NEWS's fans. It happened at saturday, nov 10th 2007.
The gath was so fun!! I met many new person at that time...

Ahhh, the time is like running...
The time now is 7.07 pm...

I'm chatting with Rasha now... She is my new friend from Egypt. She's so fun and nice girl ^^
And she helps me to find video which I'm looking for so long Thx!!!

Ok2, it will end of my post... I'm so tired -_-. I want to go home nowwwwww....


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