Avatar of World Wing ^^

Oct 08, 2007 14:18



OMG! I did it again!!! In the fact, I must make a resume for my task but, but, but I made those *look up* XD
So stupid am I ^^.

But, when I made it, I was really really ENJOY!!! Oh, I love Tsubasa in there in his PV~World Wings! He's so damn SEXY 0 o 0

I grapped this pic from leaping lucas, Thx!!!
If I must choose one from all of them, I choose number 2 and number 6, it makes me melt~~~ ^o^
I love his skin and his neck, it makes him more SEXY with just singlet or something like that :p!!!

Hm~ I must make something new for anniversary 26th of Tsubasa Imai. Is it avatar or siggy or pic?! I don't know. Maybe avatar is good thing! or pic of him from still baby until now?! Let's think more serious later XD!

Just 9 days again until his b'day!!! So I'm so excited waiting his BDAY!!!

pic, tsubasa

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