Hello... again :)

Feb 20, 2012 19:20

Yeah it's me! Finally I post a journal again..long time, huh!

I am now in .. .. .. yeah Malaysia! so many things happened, resigned from my previous job, back to my hometown, stayed in hometown for one week, waited update from Msia's company, looked for living house, moved to Malaysia and finally here I am :)

For 2 days, I noticed that in here more update about KPOP! Yeah the first thing I did in here is check MUSIC STORE! mhuahahahaha.. I found MOZART DVD!  in Indo is no sell nowhere :'(  JYJ, SHINee, yeah my biases XDDDDD.

and I found

in Sunway mall and a lot of kpop posters too when I was in Asia store (or whatever the name, I forgot!) but I didnt want to embarrass myself to take a photo of them :)).

And hope I could meet some Cassies or Shawols or KPOPers in here ^^

random, xiah, diary, kpop, shinee

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