[MISC] Art of Junsu and JaeSu

Mar 07, 2010 00:34

I made some arts again!!! Now is Junsu and JaeSu's name :D
I dunno why, just to see the white board I wanna draw something and there were Junsu and JaeSu on my mind that time :P

I showed this picture to my friend and she likes it!!! :) I just grinned when she gave me a good respond ^^
I like it too, the wings and the 'S' is so so JUNSU. Isn't it? just my guess :D

Can you read it? It spells JaeSu :D. The first and last symbol is nothing, I just wanna added it..
When I made this, there was student and he tried to read the text, the result was.... he read it as SALJU (snow) and my friend read it as YAEJU lol
Is my hand writing is that bad?! u__u

xiah, art, mine, jaesu

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