
Sep 18, 2007 13:52

Oh MY GOD!!!
I just realized about that topic in TakiTsuba Forum!!!

*try to take deep breathe*
Ok, in that topic there's member who watch Tsubasa walked in Osaka from camera of course...
In that her pic (can I upload her pic in my blog?!) I really sure that man was TSUBASA IMAI!!!

Look his body, his hands, his walking, his hair, and his butt ><, He was really really TSUBASA
I saw pic of Takki too, but yeah I'm not sure because in that pic Takki is too short.. hahahaha
But, Ok his walking liked Takki, so I don't know :p

Tsubasa.... Tsubasa... Are you not realized that some girl liked watching you from the camera?! hahaha...

Ahhhh can I upload the pic?! Can I?! Can I?! I want to show Tsubasa in ordinary guy...^^
Hm Maybe I must ask to Sarah who get the pic of Tsubasa....

I hope, she will allowe me to share the picture... *pray hard*


credit : Sarah Ann
See?! He is TSUBASA IMAI, isn't he?! I really sure about that.....
So, what do you think?! Yeah, maybe I was wrong, but look his body~ He's like TSUBASA ne~

pic, tsubasa

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