KiScon 2013 Weekly Update #3

Aug 21, 2013 21:34

First off, apologies for missing last week's update. Life happened, including the loss of a most beloved pet.

Now for the report:

We had some nice activity on Tumblr this past week, and we need more. If you are on Tumblr, please reblog this post with gusto: Many, many thanks to triplexpoint for the fabulous post, and to Aja Romano for the wonderful comments she made when she reblogged it.

Speaking of Tumblr, I'm there as blackbirdsong, and am slowly getting the hang of it. Please reblog me there, as I'm going to post this update on my account. (I also reblog Star Trek, Sherlock, otters, ferrets and giant cashew trees, in case you're curious.)

At this point, we are sort of so near and yet so far, so here's the deal:

If 16 more people register (or tell me that they're definitely attending) within the next week, I'll go ahead with the event. We need more than that for me not to have a nervous breakdown, but 16 will make the con happen. The sooner you let me know, or better yet, register, the sooner everyone can get psyched for KiScon!

Age Restriction
I've had a specific question or two concerning the age limit, and am talking to the hotel about that. Stay tuned, as I expect to hear back from them tomorrow (Thursday). If you have any questions about this, please feel free to PM me or email

Website Glitch
One of our attendees encountered a glitch while trying to fill out a dealer registration. That glitch has now been fixed, but I'd very much like to hear from anyone who's encountered problems on the website. (I'm hoping to update the Guest of Honor page very soon.)

We've had some lovely offers of help from those who've registered so far, but we need a few key people to take charge of two of the best features of KiScon:

Art Show: Unfortunately, we will be bereft of the fabulous tracionn, who was a major force in running this for the past two years. As much as I know about and appreciate art, I can only help a bit with running that aspect of the convention, as I have to be in so many places at once. So if we could have two people who are willing to spell each other on running the show, this would be excellent!

Vid Show: Trust me when I say that you do NOT want me messing with this! Please contact me with suggestions, names, or an enthusiastic, "Me, me, pick ME!" Note: This would also work as a project for a knowledgeable person who wants to be a part of KiScon but can't attend it.

Reminders and Links
Zine: Submissions of words (stories, poems, drabbles, lyrics, haiku, etc.) and art for the zine are welcomed with open arms, and are due by October 1st:

Registrations and general info:

That's all for now, I think. More next week or sooner!


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