Oct 26, 2007 00:40
I just finished watching SPN 304.
I loved it. I'm not in the mindset to even gush more than: OMGWTF!
The only point that I absolutely must make right now is: Ruby.
I do not condone violence, and some traditional views were instilled in me as a kid, so I don't like violence against women even more (even though that's a bit sexist, I can't help it). But I so wanted Sam to hit Ruby. You know what scene I'm talking about. Not necessarily shoot her, because of Dean (10 months and counting, !), but just smack her. Which makes me feel yucky inside, but I guess she's a demon so it's sort of okay? but then I feel bad for the actual girl that Ruby is possessing. But, damn it, she so deserved it. I guess it means that Kripke and Singer are doing a great job with her character to evoke such strong emotions, even if they're negative. Is it possible to hate some one so much and to be fascinated at the same time. I think so. On a different-ish topic: As far as meta goes though, WTF- mirrors? I could try and say something deep like, Dean is revealing his soul and looking inward to see that he really is afraid of going to hell... or something like that.
*Is done rambling*
*sigh* Needs sleep... wants to watch SPN again... *dies*