Title: The Finer Points of Professional Hockey
Pairing/Characters: David POV, Don, Colby
Rating: E for everyone
Summary: Don, Colby, and David go to a hockey game.
Word Count: 150
Spoilers: Set during Season Four, no specific spoilers
Disclaimer: Numb3rs does not belong to me in any way, shape, or form. This has not been beta'd, so I apologize for any glaring mistakes.
A/N: Written for
numb3rs100 Prompts 189: Ice, but was also influenced by Prompt 187: Debate. It's been a while since I wrote a non-Colby/Dwayne fic, and even longer since I wrote a David-POV fic. Also- the Anaheim Mighty Ducks (yes, they were named after the movie) and the New York Rangers are real professional hockey teams. I don't own them. The Stanley Cup is the Super Bowl of hockey. All arguments that Don and Colby use are fact.
David was excited when Don invited him and Colby to a hockey game down in Anaheim. It was a Rangers-Ducks game, and David couldn't wait to watch the Californian team get crushed by New York. When the three FBI agents found their seats, Don and Colby were already arguing hockey. Colby was convinced that hockey teams from places that have snow have are better teams.
“The Ducks won the Stanley Cup two years ago, and before them Tampa Bay and Carolina won.” Don insisted.
“But the two teams that have won the Stanley the most in the past two decades are Detroit and New Jersey.” Colby pointed out. David just shook his head at their debate.
“Either way, New York is going to win tonight.” That just sparked more discussion on the finer points of professional hockey.
In the end David had the last word when New York won.
Comments are love.